Representatives of the world’s scientific community will meet in Rome, Italy, on 27-30 September, for the 30th General Assembly of the International Council for Science.
More than 250 leading scientists from around the world will come together at this unique event to discuss and address how science can contribute to solving some of the most pressing challenges facing society. Particular importance will be attached to the approval of the organization’s Strategic Plan covering the years 2012-2017, as well as the establishment of a major new ten-year programme of earth system research for global sustainability. The ICSU GA also provides a forum for discussing issues that affect scientists, including: freedom, responsibility and conduct in science; and management of data and information.
The event begins on the evening of Tuesday 27 September with the official opening ceremony presided over by Professor Catherine Bréchignac (France), President of ICSU. Speeches of welcome will be given by the President of the Italian Republic, H.E. Giorgio Napolitano (tbc), the Hon. Mariastella Gelmini, Italian Minster of Education, University and Research, and Prof. Francesco Profumo, President of the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR).
The agenda for the three days that follow is a full one, and includes discussions and decisions on:
ICSU’s Strategic Plan for the coming six years
Support for the Earth System Sustainability Initiative
Establishment of a major new international programme on Health and Wellbeing in the Changing Urban Environment
Approval of the revised Principle of Universality of Science (both freedoms and responsibilities)
as well as reports on the development of recent initiatives in the areas of disaster risk, ecosystem change and society, and data and information.
The 30th ICSU GA will also mark the formal hand-over of the ICSU Presidency to Professor Yuan Tseh Lee (China: Taipei; Nobel Prize Laureate for Chemistry 1986), as well as the election of the President-Elect and other Officers.
The Assembly is being hosted by the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), which is the ICSU National Scientific Member in Italy.
For more information and details of the programme click here
A press conference will be held at the venue on Thursday 29 September 2011, 10.45–11.45 (local time).
Accreditation of media representatives:
Those wishing to attend the Assembly should complete the Media Registration Form.
Event: 30th ICSU General Assembly
Date: 27-30 September 2011
Venue: Green Room, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Headquarters, Rome