The Regional Office has reviewed and published its four Science Plans in the following areas: Health and Human Well-being; Sustainable Energy; Hazards and Disasters; and Global Environmental Change.
The review process, which commenced early 2015, was led by the members of the African Science Plans Steering Committee and involved some authors of the first Science Plans as well as scientists from the respective consortia. The new documents were reviewed and updated to reflect current/emerging trends in scientific research at global, regional and national levels. The review process aimed at aligning the new Science Plans with the current developments in the global research agenda and the new thinking of promoting transdisciplinary collaborative research as well as new international programmes/initiatives, especially the Future Earth initiative. The documents were drafted taking into consideration the post Rio+20 Agenda, the Sustainable Development Goals, and the Science, Technology & Innovation Strategy for Africa 2024 (STISA 2024)
A limited number of hard copies of the reviewed Science Plans are available at the ICSU Regional Office for Africa, but electronic versions can be downloaded below.
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