The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) is a new international platform for scientists and policy makers. It is to some extent modelled on the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) and will have a similar integrated science assessment function. ICSU and its programmes for biodiversity (DIVERSITAS) and the human dimensions of environmental change (IHDP) have been strong advocates for IPBES.
Several years of negotiations resulted in a decision in Busan in June 2010 that a Platform should be set up. In 2011, the design phase opened with a plenary meeting in two sessions, the second of which will be in Panama City, Republic of Panama from April 16-21.
At the first October 2011 session in Nairobi, Kenya, representatives of 112 countries and 33 non-governmental organizations made headway defining modalities and institutional arrangements for an IPBES. The upcoming session will focus on the work programme, functions and structures of future bodies, rules and procedures, location of the secretariat, host institutions, budget and legal issues.
In addition, IUCN and ICSU will on April 15 co-chair the second IPBES Stakeholder Day, organised by UNEP, in collaboration with UNESCO, UNDP and FAO, to discuss the involvement of the scientific community and civil society in IPBES.
More information on the second IPBES Stakeholder Day.
More information on the role of DIVERSITAS role in IPBES.