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Nominations for the ISC Governing Board closing this week on Friday 30 August

Please visit the link below to nominate your exceptional candidates.

In accordance with the revised Statutes and Rules of Procedure adopted by the membership of the International Science Council on 8 March 2024, the ISC Nominations and Elections Committee is calling for nominations for eight Governing Board positions opening at the end of the year.

All ISC Members in Category 1, 2 and 3 in good standing are invited to submit nominations for the ISC Governing Board by completing the online nomination form below.

The deadline for nominations is 30 August 2024

Nominations are requested for the following eight positions:

• President-elect
• Vice-President for Membership
• Vice-President for Freedom and Responsibility in Science
• 5 ordinary members

👉 Read the full call for nominations for ISC Governing Board members in pdf version

👉Visit the webpage to make your nomination

Image by Rivage on unsplash

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