Professor Rajib Shaw will step down as Executive Director of the Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR) programme based in at the Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth (RADI) at the end of March due to unforeseen personal circumstances.
Prof Shaw has provided great leadership to the programme, delivering science-policy dialogues and capacity building activities in the Asian region, mobilizing new scientific communities to join the IRDR including through the recent inclusion of four new international centres of excellence, and strengthening partnerships with many organisations and networks working on disaster risk reduction around the world.
ICSU, together with the International Social Science Council and UNISDR, are consulting the programme’s funder and key stakeholders to identify options to best further the science agenda of IRDR, and its engagement with policy and practice to effectively deliver disaster risk reduction.
Prof. Shaw will remain a keen advocate of and contributor to disaster risk reduction science in his new post as professor at Keio University in Japan and a supporter of IRDR.