Dr. Aditya Sadhanala

2021 Early Career Scientist Award - Asia Laureate


Dr. Sadhanala is a leading early-career scientist globally exploring new frontiers of interdisciplinary research and technologies with a focus on energy and optoelectronics. He has developed one of world’s most sensitive absorption measurement techniques, and his work has featured in several leading journals. More importantly, one polymer has been commercialized for use in high- speed flexible electronics. Dr. Sadhanala has been awarded by Clarivate Analytics – Web of Science for the last two consecutive years 2019 and 2020. This award recognizes the top 1% of scientists with measurable impact parameters across interdisciplinary field of research. He has several other honourable awards and academic recognitions.

The 2021 Prize

All 2021 awardees received an original piece of art by scientific photographer Karl Gaff who specializes in microscopy art. Aditya Sadhanala received ‘Brilliant Radiance’.

Read more about Karl Gaff

> Learn more about the ISC Awards

The page has been updated in May 2024.

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