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Amal Amin

ISC Fellow (2023)

Dr. Amal Amin is a professor for nanotechnology/polymer technology at the National Research Centre-Egypt. She studied in, worked at and travelled to +30 countries including Spain, Germany (PhD-DAAD), USA, France having numerous activities as co-founder and executive committee member of the global and Egyptian young academies (GYA, EYAS). She was cofounding president and coordinator of the Egyptian society and Arab network for nanotechnology & TWAS young affiliate, TWAS-TYAN member, TWAS-AAAS science diplomacy alumni and executive committee member of (science in Exile) global initiative to support refugee scientists and at-risk scholars.

She is member of ORCID board of directors, founding chair of women in science without borders’ (WISWB) initiative, World forum for women in science series and science diplomacy for the future initiative. She is cofounding chair of Northern African Research and Innovation Management Association (NARIMA) initiative. She has received outstanding women in tech award of Africa (Africa), national award as distinguished woman in science and was classified by the global gender scan representing Egypt among few women in S&T in Africa who (make the difference).

Dr. Amal achievements were featured in (NASAC-IAP- & NASAC books 2017 & 2020), scientific African (2019), nature (2020), Royal society for chemistry (2020), and others.

The page has been updated in May 2024.

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