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Dureen Samandar Eweis

Science Officer

International Science Council

Dureen Samandar Eweis is a Science Officer at the International Science Council, part of the Centre for Science Futures which works to improve our understanding of current and upcoming issues relating to science futures, science systems, and policy for science.

Her curiosity about understanding living things led her to do a PhD in developmental cell biology at Institut Curie in Paris. She has been an active member in student representative organizations in different countries.

Following her PhD, she carried out a Bluebook traineeship in the Scientific Advice Mechanism in DG Research and Innovation of the European Commission to launch her career transition into science-policy. Her fascination for learning languages has led her to speak four languages including English, Spanish, French and Arabic. She is an MCAA fellow and an active member of the MCAA Policy Working Group.

[email protected]

The page was updated in May 2024.

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