Elizabeth Jelin

ISC Fellow (Dec 2022)

Involvement at the ISC

  • Member of the Oversight panel of the COVID-19 Scenarios Project


Elizabeth Jelin is a social scientist who is engaged in research in the areas of human and citizenship rights, social inequalities, gender and the family, social movements, and memories of political repression. Jelin is a Senior Researcher at the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET) and at IDES (Institute of Economic and Social Development) in Buenos Aires. She is an author of books and articles.

A Few of her book include: “Los trabajos de la memoria” (English edition: “State Repression and the Labors of Memory”), “La lucha por el pasado. Cómo construimos la memoria social” (English edition: “The Struggle for the Past. How We Construct Social Memories”), “Entangled Global Inequalities: Conceptual Debates and Evidence from Latin America” (with Renata Motta and Sergio Costa), “Cómo será el pasado. Una conversación sobre el giro memorial” (with Ricard Vinyes), “Podría ser yo. Los sectores populares en imagen y palabra” (with Pablo Vila et. al., photographs by Alicia D’Amico. 2 volumes) and “Las tramas del tiempo. Familia, género, memorias, derechos y movimientos sociales. Antología esencial” (edited by M. Cerrutti, L. Da Silva Catela and S. Pereyra).

Jelin is a recipient of the Bernardo Houssay National Prize for Research Trajectory in the Social Sciences granted by the Argentine government and of the CLACSO award. She was also awarded Doctorate Honoris Causa at Université Paris Ouest, Nanterre-LaDefense.

The page has been updated in May 2024.

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