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Dr. Jonathan Forman

Science and Technology Advisor

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, United States

Involvement at the ISC



Jonathan Forman is a Science and Technology Advisor at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory’s Seattle Office in the United States. His professional experience spans the provision of scientific advice for disarmament and non-proliferation treaty policymakers and leading product development efforts in early phase life-science companies.  He is a subject matter expert on scientific issues in chemical and biological arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation treaties, and has served as a scientific advisor in forums relevant to both the Chemical and Biological Weapons Conventions.

Dr. Forman was the first person to hold the post of Science Policy Adviser at the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), where from March 2013 – January 2020 he facilitated the work of OPCW’s Scientific Advisory Board and its science and technology review process and launched OPCW’s Science for Diplomats initiative to enhance scientific literacy among disarmament policy makers. Prior to 2013, Dr Forman worked for a series of start-up companies developing platforms for genomic, immunoassay, and cell capture applications; and as an independent consultant for process and product development of chip- and bead-based biomolecular assay platforms. He holds a PhD in physical organic chemistry from the California Institute of Technology.

This page was updated in September 2024.

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