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Prof. Sarva Mangala Praveena

Associate Professor

Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Putra, Malaysia

Involvement at the ISC


Sarva Mangala Praveena is an Associate Professor in Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia.

After joining this department in 2012, her research is mainly focused on pollution monitoring and its risks to human health where she was recognised internationally. She has also invented two patents and one industrial design on water filter which specifically for emergency situation use.

Most recently, her team has extended research on microplastics in environment complementary to the existing international efforts to bridge microplastics pollution data gaps from developing countries in Southeast Asia region.

Her area of expertise is founded upon a deep understanding of pollutant levels and the associated risks to both the environment and human health. This expertise forms the foundation of her comprehensive approach to addressing the global issue of plastic pollution.

At the core of her current work is the rigorous analysis of microplastic pollution in environmental samples. This research is driven by a profound awareness of the multifaceted impacts that microplastics have on our environment and human well-being. This understanding allows her to contribute a unique and valuable perspective to the negotiations at hand.

However, her commitment to combat plastic pollution goes beyond academic research. She is deeply dedicated to raising awareness and building the capacity to address this global challenge. She actively engages with various communities, including school children and indigenous populations, imparting knowledge about the detrimental effects of microplastics on our environment and health. By cultivating an environmentally conscious and responsible younger generation and acknowledging the specific challenges faced by marginalized communities, her work ensures inclusivity and equity in strategies and policies.

In addition to her educational outreach, she has extended her role to the development of comprehensive strategies for reducing plastic waste and promoting the transition to sustainable alternatives. Her contributions span international, national, and local levels, particularly in Malaysia, and focus on practical phasing-out strategies for plastic materials. This ensures that policy discussions are grounded in real-world solutions and reflect a holistic approach that considers science-policy issues related to plastics at different scales.

This page was updated in June 2024.

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