
LIRA 2030 Africa: Learning from Practising Transdisciplinary Research for Sustainable Development in African Cities

The Leading Integrated Research for Agenda 2030 in Africa programme (LIRA 2030 Africa) provided a unique opportunity to learn about the potential of transdisciplinary (TD) research approaches for advancing sustainable development across African cities. This study presents these findings.

The primary focus of the learning study was to collect key learnings from across three cohorts of the LIRA 2030 projects on the role of TD approaches in addressing complex urban issues in African cities. A second focus was to understand the value of the programme design that combines research funding with capacity development and peer-learning, while linking local projects to global processes.

The LIRA projects, the members of the LIRA Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) and the LIRA programme management team were the main contributors to the study, by sharing their experiences and lessons learned.

LIRA 2030 Africa: Learning from Practising Transdisciplinary Research for Sustainable Development in African Cities

International Science Council. (2023). LIRA 2030 Africa: Learning from Practising Transdisciplinary Research for Sustainable Development in African Cities. Paris, France, International Science Council. DOI: 10.24948/2023.02

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