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Rainbow Series on Science for Sustainable Development (2002)

The ICSU Series on Science for Sustainable Development was produced by the International Council for Science in connection with preparations for the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD).


The aim of WSSD is to bring together governments, United Nations agencies and other key stakeholders, including representatives of civil society and the Scientific and Technological Community, to build upon the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) and to enhance efforts toward the future of sustainable development. The Series includes a set of interdisciplinary reports focusing on major issues that are relevant to science for sustainable development. The Series is meant to serve as a link between the scientific community and decision makers, but the reports should also be useful to all others interested in the contribution of science to sustainable development. The Series highlights the fundamental roles science has played and will play in finding solutions to the challenges of sustainable development. It examines experiences since UNCED and looks towards the future. It provides up-to-date knowledge, examines lessons learned, successes achieved, and difficulties encountered; while also outlining future research agendas and actions to enhance problem solving and good practices in sustainable development. The Series was made possible due to a generous grant provided by the David and Lucile Packard Foundation.

  • Volume 1. Report of the Scientific and Technological Community to the World Summit on Sustainable Development, 20 pp. 2002.
  • Volume 2. Energy and Transport, 20 pp. 2002.
  • Volume 3. Resilience and Sustainable Development, 37 pp. 2002.
  • Volume4. Science, Traditional Knowledge and Sustainable Development, 24 pp. 2002.
  • Volume5. Science Education and Capacity Building for Sustainable Development, 32 pp. 2002.
  • Volume 6. Biotechnology and Sustainable Agricuture, 44 pp. 2002.
  • Volume 7. Global Environmental Change and Food Provision: A new Role for Science, 20 pp. 2002.
  • Volume 8. Making Science for Sustainable Development More Policy Relevant: New Tools for Analysis, 28 pp. 2002.
  • Volume 9. Science and Technology for Sustainable Development, Consensus Report and Background Document, Mexico City Synthesis Conference, May 20-23, 2002, 30 pp. 2002.
  • Volume 10. Biodiversity, Science and Sustainable Development, 20 pp. 2002.
  • Volume 11. Science and Technology at the World Summit on Sustainable Development, 26 August to 4 September 2002, Johannesburg, South Africa, 76 pp. 2003

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