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World Social Science Report 2013: Changing Global Environments

The World Social Science Report 2013 issues an urgent call to action to the international social science community to collaborate more effectively with each other, with colleagues from other fields of science, and with the users of research to deliver solutions-oriented knowledge on today’s most pressing environmental problems.

It calls for a transformative social science that is bolder, better, bigger, different:

  • bolder in reframing and reinterpreting global environmental change as a social problem
  • better at infusing social science insights into real-world problem-solving
  • bigger in terms of having more social scientists to focus on global environmental change
  • different in the way it thinks about and does research that helps meet the vexing sustainability challenges faced today.

Around 150 authors from all over the world and a wide range of disciplines offer insights that help us understand the challenges before us.

The World Social Science Report 2013 was launched on Friday, 15 November 2013, at the UNESCO General Conference in Paris. The report was prepared by the International Social Science Council (ISSC) and co-published with UNESCO and the OECD.

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