Strategy, planning and review

Enhancing Involvement of the Social Sciences in ICSU (2008)

For the 29th ICSU General Assembly in Maputo, Mozambique, the Executive Board commissioned this report to explore and identify the most appropriate mechanisms for securing the interaction and added value of the social sciences in ICSU’s scientific work.

About this Report

The recommendations of the report include:

  • To note the strengthened involvement of social scientists in the planning of new initiatives as part of the implementation of the ICSU Strategic Plan 2006-2011 and to further enhance this as relevant;
  • to challenge National Members, especially those that include social sciences, to assist ICSU in identifying social scientists to serve on relevant ICSU planning and review committees to ensure that such initiatives have proper balance among relevant disciplines;
  • to work with the International Social Science Council (ISSC) as a key partner in strengthening international social science of relevance for implementing ICSU’s Strategic Plan and to engage ISSC in the dialogue concerning the development of the Second Strategic Plan 2012-2017;
  • to assist ISSC in strengthening its programme by identifying scientists as appropriate who could help inform the further development of ISSC;
  • to consider applications from social science Unions in order to strengthen the involvement of social sciences in the development of the ICSU agenda; and
    to recommend to the Executive Board that the role of social sciences be included on the agenda for the National and Union Members Fora at the 29th General Assembly.

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