Prof. Muireann Irish

2021 Early Career Scientist Award - Australia and Oceania Laureate

Prof. Irish’s research on brain network dysfunction in dementia has provided fundamental new insights into novel treatment pathways to improve quality of life for people living with dementia. Her landmark 2012 study was the first to demonstrate that semantic brain network dysfunction in dementia disrupts the capacity to envisage the future. This work was declared “paradigm changing” by experts in the field. The calibre of Prof. Irish’s work has been formally recognized through numerous prestigious awards and accolades from almost every major society within her field. She displays an unwavering commitment to supporting the next generation of young scientists in Australia through targeted mentoring of young women and those from disadvantaged backgrounds.

The 2021 Prize

All 2021 awardees received an original piece of art by scientific photographer Karl Gaff who specializes in microscopy art. Muireann Irish received ‘Ghost Gum Tree’.

Read more about Karl Gaff

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