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The Latin American and Caribbean Liaison Committee appoints two new co-chairs

Ahead of next month's Global Knowledge Dialogue, Ana Rada and Luis Sobrevia have been appointed as Co-Chairs for the liaison committee for the Regional Focal Point for Latin America and the Caribbean.

We are delighted to announce that two new Co-chairs have been appointed to guide the activities of the Liaison Committee for the ISC Regional Focal Point for Latin America and the Caribbean, following a call for nominations from Liaison Committee Members and a thorough selection process. Ana Rada and  Luis Sobrevia began their activities as Co-chairs from January 2024, in partnership with the Colombian Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences who continues to host the Regional Focal Point.

Helena Groot, President of the Academy has taken on the role of Director of the ISC Regional Focal Point in Latin America and the Caribbean, with Carolina Santacruz-Perez continuing as Science Officer.

“The Colombian Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences is pleased to continue supporting the activities of the Regional Focal Point for Latin America and the Caribbean, including one of the most important moments of discussion and integration for the region, the Global Knowledge Dialogue to be held in Chile in April,” Helena Groot said.

The GKD in Santiago is really shaping up to empower science in the region to have a strong voice, with panels addressing critical challenges such as climate change, the autonomy of independent science advice and organized science, advancing sustainable human development in alignment with the 2030 Agenda and its SDGs, exploring issues for early and mid-career researchers, urban health and wellbeing and for the first time in the series, hosting a diplomacy event with key diplomats from the region.

Meet the Co-chairs

Ana Rada

National Academy of Sciences, Bolivia and Fellow of The World Academy of Sciences, TWAS.

It is a great honour for me to serve the Latin American and Caribbean region in my position as Co-Chair of the RFP-LACLiaison Committee. We have a select group of scientists as members of this Committee who represent both the Natural Sciences and the Social Sciences.

We are a strong and united group that works according to the ISC Action Plan 2022-2024.

Through the scientific experience, resilience, strength, and synergy of each one of the members and with the spirit of continuing the initiatives and advances made by Professor Enrique Forero, we will achieve important results in:

  • The continuity of the activities started and the solution of new challenges.
  • The consolidation of our own action plan to give a voice to the Region, and thus determine its priorities, implement actions, promote the results achieved and take advantage of the benefits obtained.
  • The success of our next big event the “Global Knowledge Dialogue 2024” that will take place in the city of Santiago, Chile.
  • The initiation, development and completion of new activities related to innovation, research sustainability and support for equality and diversity in science in line with regional priorities, promoting the development of important public policies.

Finally, we urge to work intensely in our region to meet the 17 sustainable development goals of the 2030 agenda, promoting fair and equitable transformations in society through science.

Luis Sobrevia

Fellow of the Academy of Physiology of the International Union of Physiological Sciences and member of the Academy of Sciences of Latin America.

The International Science Council emphasizes the critical role of science, education, and social sciences in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), a region marked by diverse needs and challenges. The establishment of the ISC Regional Focal Point for LAC (RFP-LAC) has been key in fostering collaboration and sustainable opportunities for individuals at various career stages within LAC. This collaboration supports global initiatives, focusing on providing access to quality education, empowering youth, and promoting inclusivity across all science and education fields.

Our goal is to not only continue the work of our predecessors in supporting developing countries within the region towards economic, social, and cultural growth but also to actively engage in actions that enhance well-being and human development. This includes addressing public health challenges, advancing healthcare systems, and contributing to the overall betterment of LAC communities through a strategic action plan.

The RFP-LAC is dedicated to advancing social rights, equity, and gender equality, aiming to create a more just and inclusive society with equal opportunities for all. As the new co-chair of the RFP-LAC, I am committed to working closely with the Liaison Committee, Ana Rada, Helena Groot, and Carolina Santacruz to support the LAC region’s full potential through science, education, and human progress.

I am honoured to serve the LAC community and believe that our collective efforts will significantly impact those in need, amplifying our voice to decision-makers. As part of the RFP-LAC group, I am convinced that we will achieve goals to support the LAC region as much as possible to attain its full potential by harnessing the power of a science/education/human progress axis.

Welcome to an impactful journey with RFP-LAC!

Contact the Regional Focal Point of Latin America and the Caribbean

Carolina Santacruz-Perez

To get in contact with the regional focal point, please email the Science Officer for the Latin American and Caribbean Region, Carolina Santacruz-Perez. ([email protected])

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