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Halt the execution of Dr. Ahmadreza Djalali

The ISC's Committee for Freedom and Responsibility in Science (CFRS) has issued an urgent call to ISC Members to support efforts to halt the execution of Dr Ahmadreza Djalali

Anne Husebekk, ISC Vice-President for Freedom and Responsibility in Science and Chair of the ISC’s Committee for Freedom and Responsibility in Science (CFRS) writes:

You may have already learned that Iranian authorities are preparing to carry out their execution of the Swedish-Iranian medical scholar  Ahmadreza Djalali by 21 May. 

On behalf of the ISC’s Committee for Freedom and Responsibility in Science, I respectfully ask you do everything you can to urge your national governments and Iranian state authorities to secure Dr Djalali’s release.

In monitoring this case, CFRS works closely with the US-based organization Scholars at Risk (SAR), of which the ISC is a member.

A call to action

Together with SAR, the ISC hopes that you can support Dr Djalali at this crucial moment, by:

  • Issuing public statements (see comments by the Rector of Karolinska Institutet, Ole Petter Ottersen, as well as past examples from the International Science Council); 
  • Sending letters to Iranian government officials (see past example from the German Rectors’ Conference as well as template letter attached and online); 
  • Calling on your ministries of foreign affairs to take action (see SAR’s call script for those with connections to Sweden, Belgium, Italy, Germany, and the US); and
  • Raising awareness over social media.

Dr Djalali is an important contributor to the world of medicine and a colleague to physicians, medics, and other personnel responding to emergencies around the world. He needs your help now more than ever, so that he can return safely to his wife, children, and the medical community.

Please let us know of any advocacy efforts you undertake, as we will do our best to amplify them through our own channels.

I appreciate your attention to this matter and any action that you can take on behalf of Dr Djalali.

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