Mid-term meeting of Members: Capitalizing on Synergies in Science

The ISC's major in-person networking event to strengthen ISC Member relationships and discuss global developments for science opens in Paris.

Paris, France

10 May 2023

Three hundred delegates representing the global scientific community will meet in Paris as part of the International Science Council’s “Capitalizing on Synergies in Science” jamboree.

Delegates, representing national members such as Academies, research councils and universities; unions and associations representing natural and social sciences and the humanities; and a host of other regional and thematical organizations including the ISC’s Affiliated Bodies, will meet to discuss critical issues facing humanity and the role of science in finding solutions to global challenges.

“We are delighted to welcome delegates from more than 80 countries and together we will celebrate the depth and breadth of the many scientific disciplines and cultures that make up the International Science Council’s global voice of science. I am looking forward to seeing old friends and meeting many of you in person for the first time”.

Salvatore Aricò, CEO

The meeting will discuss the evolution of science in a global context, exploring how institutions representing science should – and must adapt – and what capacities and competencies should be built that address these challenges. Building on the report ISC in the Multilateral System,  the meeting will also consider progress since the 2021 General Assembly and the ISC workplan for global policy processes, including the newly established Group of Friends on Science Action by Member States of the UN General Assembly.

In keeping with the themes of science in a global context, and on the back of the ISC-UNESCO conference on scientific freedom and responsibility held earlier in the week, delegates will explore science in times of crisis, discussing how the climate crisis, heightened nationalism and geopolitical realignments, outbreaks of armed aggression, economic instability, and the continued aftermath of the largest health crisis in a century are determining the current positioning of the ISC and possible future roles in science diplomacy and strengthening the impact of the ISC’s Global Commission on Science Missions for Sustainability.

A critical session on increasing the ISC regional presence with a focus on identifying science, technology and innovation capacities in the regions will feature representatives from ISC Regional Focal Points in Latin America and the Caribbean, Asia and the Pacific, and ISC partners Future Africa who are supporting African science agendas and capacities to strengthen the presence of African science on the global stage. The ISC’s Affiliated Bodies will also feature in the programme, exploring opportunities for engagement of ISC Members in activities of the Affiliated Bodies’ work and identifying  areas for mutually beneficial collaboration.

Importantly, the jamboree will provide a number of opportunities for ISC Members to discuss internal matters around constitutional revision and membership of the ISC.

“This will be the first global meeting of ISC members since its inception. We are still a young organization, and in light of the pandemic, geopolitical tensions and the global challenges around climate change, biodiversity loss and growing inequality, now is the time to be decisive about future-proofing our membership to ensure our voice is strong and relevant on the global stage.”

Peter Gluckman, ISC President

The meeting will also consider women’s inclusion and participation in science, advancing transdisciplinary science, the digital age and artificial intelligence and training the next generation of scientists by empowering their voice in the international scientific arena. For the first time, the meeting will welcome the ISC’s new young academy and association members.

The programme will see the launch of the ISC’s Centre for Science Futures, a new think tank aiming to improve our understanding of current trends in science and research systems, and to provide options and tools for appropriate action. The launch will be followed by a reception and feature ISC partners, Science Po.

The meeting will close with Terrence Forrester, Chair, ISC Fellowship Foundation Council sharing his insights on the dynamic new ISC Fellowship programme and Irina Bokova, ISC Patron and former Director General of UNESCO providing a closing address. The full programme can be accessed here.

Image: Transformations to Sustainability meeting 2022, ISC

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