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InterPore 13th Annual Meeting

31 May - 4 June 2021 Edinburgh, UK
Add to Calendar 2021-05-31 00:00:00 UTC 2021-06-04 00:00:00 UTC UTC InterPore 13th Annual Meeting 31 May - 4 June 2021 Edinburgh, UK Edinburgh International Conference Centre, Morrison Street, Edinburgh, UK

The International Society for Porous Media (InterPore) 13th Annual Meeting aims to unite people from diverse disciplines who study and work with porous media. From natural to industrial systems, porous media can be complex. The goal of the annual conference is to bring people together so they can exchange ideas and be made aware of each other’s interests and research activities. General themes are: fundamentals of porous media; computational challenges in porous media simulation; experimental studies, and applications involving porous media. The scientific program will include subjects related to porous media and range from pore-scale modeling, pore-scale imaging, to experimental and numerical methods on larger scales, to sensitivity and uncertainty analysis.

Add to Calendar 2021-05-31 00:00:00 UTC 2021-06-04 00:00:00 UTC UTC InterPore 13th Annual Meeting 31 May - 4 June 2021 Edinburgh, UK Edinburgh International Conference Centre, Morrison Street, Edinburgh, UK
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