This webinar explores existing mentorship programmes for at-risk, displaced, and refugee scholars and scientists. Through discussions with mentors and mentees and the hosting organizations, the aim is to identify good practices, gaps, and the benefits of mentorship.
The webinar will be chaired by Peter McGrath, Coordinator, InterAcademy Partnership and TWAS Science Policy/Science Diplomacy programme, and Robin Perutz, Emeritus Professor, University of York, fellow of The Royal Society, and Science in Exile Steering Committee member, and will feature:
This project aims to create a network of like-minded organizations that will work together to develop and roll out a coordinated advocacy campaign to support and integrate refugee, displaced and at-risk scientists.
This webinar is part of the four-webinar series aiming to raise awareness of and discuss key issues and challenges faced by at-risk, displaced and refugee scientists, and to support a stronger solidarity towards affected scientists. Each of the four webinars focuses on a different stage of the displacement cycle.
See the previous webinars: