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The International Science Council at the UN Summit of the Future

Discover the ISC’s involvement in the UN Summit of the Future, a once-in-a-generation opportunity to enhance multilateral cooperation on critical challenges and move towards a reinvigorated UN system that is better positioned to positively impact people’s lives.
Add to Calendar 2024-09-22 00:00:00 UTC 2024-09-23 00:00:00 UTC UTC The International Science Council at the UN Summit of the Future Discover the ISC’s involvement in the UN Summit of the Future, a once-in-a-generation opportunity to enhance multilateral cooperation on critical challenges and move towards a reinvigorated UN system that is better positioned to positively impact people’s lives.

About the Summit of the Future

The world is off-track to deliver on the aspirations and goals embodied in major global agreements, from the 2030 Agenda to the Paris Agreement. Faced with challenges of extreme poverty, hunger, displacement, inequalities, health crises, violent conflict, and risks associated with new technologies, the multilateral system must be made fit-for-purpose in an era of rapid change and polycrisis. We need a new way forward to address current and emerging challenges, ensuring no one is left behind.

In the words of the UN, the Summit of the Future is a “once-in-a-generation opportunity” to do precisely this. The Summit aims to bring world leaders together to change the way countries work together to build a better world today and safeguard tomorrow for future generations.

The Summit’s ambitious aims include reaffirming the UN Charter, reinvigorating multilateralism, boosting implementation of existing commitments, agreeing on solutions to new challenges, and restoring trust in multilateralism and in one another. The primary outcome of the Summit is expected to be an intergovernmentally-negotiated Pact for the Future, which aims to accelerate efforts to meet existing international commitments and to reflect concrete steps toward addressing emerging challenges and opportunities.

The ISC at the Summit of the Future

The ISC is working in collaboration with several UN organizations, NGOs, and Member States to organize science-policy side events for the Action Day that is expected to be organized ahead of the Summit of the Future, on 21 September 2024.

Join the ISC at the following events:

Date, time (EST), locationDescription
Friday 20 Sept, 10:00-11:30
Location: UNDP FF Building, 304 East 45th Street, Rio Conference Room (9th floor) and online
Title: Digital Environmental Sustainability and AI for the Global Digital Compact

Organized by:  
Coalition for Digital Environmental Sustainability
Friday 20 Sept, 15:00-16:15 
Location: UNHQ, Conference Room 11 
Title: Activating Youth for Trust in Science  

Organized by: UN Secretary-General’s Scientific Advisory Board (SAB)UN Group of  Friends on Science for Action (GoF); Global Young Academy (GYA)
Friday 20 Sept, 16:45-18:00 

Location: UNHQ, CR11
Title: Systems approaches to long-term decision-making for sustainability 

Co-organized by: International Science Council along with Stockholm Environment Institute, United Nations Environment Programme, the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales, and The Future of Climate Cooperation.
Friday 20 Sept, 16:45-18:00 

Location: UNHQ, CR7 for those registered for Action Days; live broadcast through direct link on UN Web TV

Title: Building Bridges through Science Diplomacy: Accelerating progress toward sustainable development 
Organized by:  
International Science Council, German Centre for Research and Innovation New York, UN Department of Global Communications Academic Impact initiative, Global Young Academy, Permanent Mission of Costa Rica to the United Nations, Permanent Mission of South Africa to the United Nations, and Science and Policy Solutions for the Planet ImPACT Coalition (United Nations University Centre for Policy Research, Igarapé Institute, Club of Rome, Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW), Stockholm Environment Institute (Nairobi)).
Sunday 22 Sept, 16:00-19:00 

Location: Virgin Hotel, 1227 Broadway, New York, NY 10001 
Title: No human equity and wellbeing on an unstable Planet; no stable Planet without human equity (high-level roundtable and reception) 
Organized by: 
Earth4All, PIK, Future Earth, The Earth League, the ISC, Earth Commission, Planetary Guardians 

Events from our network

Date, time (EST), locationDescription
Saturday 21 Sept,
16:00-19:30 (incl networking/reception) 
Location: Scandinavia House
Title: From Multidimensional Challenges to Multidimensional Possibilities: Facing Global Risks Together

Organized by: The Accelerator for Systemic Risk Assessment (ASRA)
Saturday 21 Sept,
16:00- 17:15
Location: UNHQ, CR7
Title: Towards 2030 and Beyond: Accelerating the SDGs through Access to Evidence on What Works (side event)

Organized by: UN SDG System Wide Evaluation Office (SWEO)

ISC Fellows Letter to the scientific community on the occasion of the Summit of the Future

In anticipation of the UN Summit of the Future, the ISC Fellows community, led by Chair of the ISC Fellowship Council, Dr. Terrence Forrester, penned a Letter to the scientific community emphasizing the critical role for scientists in building pathways to a sustainable future.

ISC Fellows Letter to the scientific community on the occasion of the Summit of the Future


About the International Science Council

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The ISC convenes the scientific expertise and resources needed to lead on catalysing, incubating and coordinating impactful international action on issues of major scientific and public importance.

At the UN level, the ISC is a trusted knowledge broker and science adviser, mobilizing its unique global membership of over 250 scientific organizations to convene and deliver robust, inclusive, interdisciplinary science advice on the most pressing issues of our time. The ISC works with Member States, UN organizations, and UN leaders through a variety of partnerships and ad-hoc collaborations, to ensure that science is integrated into international policy development and multilateral initiatives, and that relevant policies take into account both scientific knowledge and the needs of science.

The ISC also serves as co-coordinator of the Scientific & Technological Community Major Group, as member of the network of scientific institutions associated with the UN Secretary-General’s Scientific Advisory Board, and as secretariat, jointly with UNESCO, for the Group of Friends on Science for Action.

The ISC and the Pact for the Future

The ISC is committed to supporting Member States to deliver an effective, action-oriented and impactful Pact bringing about positive change for both people and the planet, firmly grounded in the latest and best available scientific knowledge.

The ISC, in its capacity as joint secretariat together with UNESCO for the Group of Friends on Science for Action, also supported written and oral inputs from the Group of Friends to the zero draft of the Pact for the Future (December 2023).

The ISC and the UN Civil Society Conference

As coordinator of the Scientific and Technological Community Major Group, the ISC will attend the UN Civil Society Conference, providing an opportunity for multi-stakeholder engagement ahead of the Summit of the Future and a venue for civil society actors, scientists and other relevant stakeholders to participate and contribute to the preparations process and ongoing Pact for the Future negotiations. The Conference will take place on 9 to 10 May in Nairobi, Kenya.

The ISC is actively mobilizing and engaging its African membership in this UN gathering to ensure the representation of regional perspectives and the valuable contributions of African scientists in the ongoing global negotiation for the development of a new Pact for the Future.

ISC delegation at the Summit

Sir Peter Gluckman

Sir Peter Gluckman


International Science Council

Sir Peter Gluckman
Anne-Sophie Stevance

Anne-Sophie Stevance

Senior Science Officer, Head of Unit

International Science Council

Anne-Sophie Stevance
Morgan Seag

Morgan Seag

ISC Senior Representative to the UN System

International Science Council

Morgan Seag


Morgan Seag

Morgan Seag

ISC Senior Representative to the UN System

International Science Council

Morgan Seag

Image by J J on Flickr

Add to Calendar 2024-09-22 00:00:00 UTC 2024-09-23 00:00:00 UTC UTC The International Science Council at the UN Summit of the Future Discover the ISC’s involvement in the UN Summit of the Future, a once-in-a-generation opportunity to enhance multilateral cooperation on critical challenges and move towards a reinvigorated UN system that is better positioned to positively impact people’s lives.
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