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Virtual meeting for ISC Members and ISC Affiliated Bodies with the ISC President

Quarterly Zoom meeting of the ISC President Peter Gluckman with representatives of ISC Members and Affiliated Bodies.
Add to Calendar 2023-07-05 00:00:00 UTC 2023-07-06 18:30:00 UTC UTC Virtual meeting for ISC Members and ISC Affiliated Bodies with the ISC President Quarterly Zoom meeting of the ISC President Peter Gluckman with representatives of ISC Members and Affiliated Bodies.

During this quartely Zoom meeting with ISC Members and Affiliated Bodies, ISC President Peter Gluckman will look back at the Mid-term Meeting of ISC Members held in May 2023 and provide an overview of the discussions and decisions from the recent ISC Governing Board meetings, among others.

The meeting will be facilitated twice so that all individuals in all timezones may attend the meeting at a reasonable hour.

Zoom meeting 1
📅 5 July 2023
🕖 7:00 am UTC

Zoom meeting 2
📅 6 July 2023
🕓 16:00 UTC

All staff members, office bearers and representatives of ISC Member organizations and Affiliated Bodies are invited to attend. Registration is required. Please register via the online form below. ⬇


Indicated times below refer to UTC (👉 Convert time into your local time)

5 JULY 2023

07:00 – 07:05 amWelcome (Alison Meston)
07:05 – 07:30 amUpdates from the ISC President Peter Gluckman and Chief Executive Officer Salvatore Aricò
07:30 – 08:30 amQ&A, discussion

6 JULY 2023

16:00 – 16:05Welcome (Salvatore Aricò)
16:05 – 16:30Updates from the ISC President Peter Gluckman and Chief Executive Officer Salvatore Aricò
16:30 – 17:30Q&A, discussion


Please get in touch with Anne Thieme ([email protected]) should you have any questions.

Add to Calendar 2023-07-05 00:00:00 UTC 2023-07-06 18:30:00 UTC UTC Virtual meeting for ISC Members and ISC Affiliated Bodies with the ISC President Quarterly Zoom meeting of the ISC President Peter Gluckman with representatives of ISC Members and Affiliated Bodies.
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