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Advisory bodies

Various Standing Committees advise the Governing Board on key aspects of the Council’s work and the Governing Board’s duties.

Standing committees

The standing committees are appointed by the Governing Board on the basis of nominations by ISC Members. They are chaired and vice-chaired by Governing Board members and include non Governing Board members.


The Committee for Science Planning (CSP) undertakes scientific strategic planning and reviews and address major thematic issues concerned with science for policy and policy for science.

View of the planet Earth with connecting lines

The Committee for Outreach and Engagement (COE) focuses on membership matters, outreach to external stakeholders, partnerships and strategic communications.

Fountain Pen

The Committee for Freedom and Responsibility in Science (CFRS) deals with freedom and responsibility of science issues at the global level.

Plant growing on coins

The Committee for Finance, Compliance and Risk (CFCR) addresses issues of finance, auditing, resource mobilization and risk management.

Other statutory committees

Ad hoc committees

Ad hoc committees may be established by the General Assembly or the Governing Board for a limited duration to deal with specific objectives and tasks and will be dissolved after the completion of the task or achievement of the objective.

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