The Science and Technology Alliance for Global Sustainability, which comprises ICSU, ISSC, the Belmont Forum, UNEP, UNESCO, UNU and WMO as an observer, is currently seeking nominations for experts to serve on the first Science Committeee of the Future Earth initiative.
Future Earth is a new 10-year initiative on integrated Earth system research for global sustainability, established by the Alliance. The goal of Future Earth is to develop the knowledge required for societies worldwide to face challenges posed by global environmental change and to identify opportunities for a transition to global sustainability. It will build on and extend the work that has been done by the Global Environmental Change programmes, which have been co-sponsored by ICSU.
While Future Earth will not be fully operational before mid-2014, the Alliance – acting as the Future Earth Governing Council in the interim – has agreed on the early appointment of a Science Committee. This committee will ensure that the science of Future Earth is of the highest quality, making recommendations on new and existing projects, and emerging priorities for research. It will oversee the transition of IGBP, IHDP and Diversitas activities into Future Earth, secure strong partnership with the WCRP community and provide guidance on new activities for Future Earth.
The Science Committee will comprise 16 members and two co-Chairs, representing the full spectrum of global environmental change science from natural science to social sciences, humanities and engineering, and may include scientists working in non-academic sectors, such as government and industry. It will include representation from the existing Global Environmental Change programmes.
All ICSU nominations will be made by its National Members, Unions, Interdisciplinary Bodies or Associates. A similar approach is being adopted by the International Social Science Council. If you would like to be considered for nomination, please contact the National Member of the country where you are based, or the Scientific Union or Interdisciplinary body for your field. It is important to be aware that the final decision on submission of nominations rests with these organizations.
The closing date for nominations is 22 February 2013.
For more information on Future Earth, please download these working draft documents on the research framework and the governance framework available below, and visit the Future Earth website.