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Ukrainian scholars recognized by the prestigious Courage to Think Award

Presented at the Scholars at Risk’s (SAR) Global Congress on 25 – 27 June 2024, the award honours ‘the scholars of Ukraine’ for their ‘courage, resilience, and unwavering commitment to their teaching, research, students, and higher education institutions, despite the existential threat posed by war.’

The Courage to Think Award is given by SAR to individuals, groups, or institutions that have demonstrated an exemplary commitment to protecting scholars and promoting academic freedom, whether through their professional work, private or community service, often in the face of personal risk.

In announcing the award, Robert Quinn, SAR Executive Director, noted “The courage and dedication of the scholars of Ukraine is both exceptional and inspiring: Exceptional in withstanding such a prolonged and violent assault, including repeated bombardments, occupations, and displacements on a mass scale. Inspiring in their demonstrated solidarity and creativity in supporting each other, their students, and their institutions. They put their careers, and at times their lives, on the line because they know that the future of Ukraine and the Ukrainian people depend in good part on research and teaching that supports rebuilding, inspires and empowers young Ukrainians, and defends Ukrainian nationality and culture against the current attempt to eradicate them.”

Read the full press release

‘The ISC stands with Scholars at Risk to honour the bravery and resilience of Ukrainian scientists working to defend and support their country, their scientific community and institutions in the face of a brutal and prolonged war.

We recognize too the solidarity efforts of scientists around the world to support Ukrainian academics and scientists. If science is for the global common good and a shared endeavour that transcends borders, then it is incumbent upon the global scientific community to stand in solidarity with our colleagues in times of crisis.’

Vivi Stavrou

Vivi Stavrou

Senior Science Officer, Executive Secretary of CFRS

International Science Council

Vivi Stavrou

The ISC leads a collaborative project Science in times of crisis to mobilize ISC Members and other partners to respond and support colleagues affected by crises around the world, including Ukraine and Afghanistan.

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