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Scholars At Risk (SAR)

2021 Scientific Freedom and Responsibility Award Laureate

At a time when academic freedom is under threat in numerous countries, the work of SAR to promote academic freedom is invaluable to global science systems. The sanctuary and assistance provided by SAR has enabled hundreds of scholars around the world to freely continue their academic careers in safety. This work has lifelong benefit for individual scholars and their families, but also serves to preserve their skills, knowledge, and intellectual contributions for the benefit of wider society. Thus, the work of SAR directly promotes science, along with other academic disciplines, as a global public good.

Latest from SAR:


🎙 Listen to SAR’s “Free to Think” podcast, which features conversation with interesting, thoughtful, and inspiring individuals whose research, teaching, or expression falls at the always sensitive intersection of power and ideas.

Free to Think 2021

👋 SAR also invites you to save Thursday, December 9 for the launch of their Free to Think 2021 annual report and the presentation of this year’s Courage to Think award. For more, visit the website

The 2021 Prize

All 2021 awardees received an original piece of art by scientific photographer Karl Gaff who specializes in microscopy art. Scholars At Risk received ‘Sunlit Plants’.

Read more about Karl Gaff

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