Freedom and Responsibility in science in the 21st century

On 1 May 2023, the International Science Council launched a series of six episodes on the theme of Freedom and Responsibility in Science, in partnership with Nature.

This new podcast series focuses on freedom and responsibility in science in the 21st century – what freedom and responsibility mean today, and why they matter for the scientific community. Through interviews with experts, we explore topics such as building trust in science, the responsible use of emerging technologies, combatting mis- and dis-information, and the intersections between science and politics.

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01 May 202313 min listen

ISC podcast series on Freedom and Responsibility in science in the 21st century

Learn more Learn more about ISC podcast series on Freedom and Responsibility in science in the 21st century
08 May 202312 min listen

Scientific autonomy: Episode 2 of the ISC Podcast Series on Freedom and Responsibility in Science in the 21st Century

Learn more Learn more about Scientific autonomy: Episode 2 of the ISC Podcast Series on Freedom and Responsibility in Science in the 21st Century
15 May 202313 min listen

Science Communication: Episode 3 of the ISC Podcast Series on Freedom and Responsibility in Science in the 21st Century

Learn more Learn more about Science Communication: Episode 3 of the ISC Podcast Series on Freedom and Responsibility in Science in the 21st Century

Image by shuang paul wang on iStock.

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