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Series 3: Science In Exile

On 30 September 2021, the International Science Council launched a podcast series on the theme ‘Science in Exile’. It features interviews with refugee and displaced scientists who share their science, their stories of displacement, and their hopes for the future.

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30 September 202119 min listen

Science in Exile podcast series launched

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07 October 202116 min listen

Science in Exile podcast: how research by one displaced social scientist is uncovering the realities of labour market integration for highly skilled migrants

Learn more Learn more about Science in Exile podcast: how research by one displaced social scientist is uncovering the realities of labour market integration for highly skilled migrants
Map close-up podcast
14 October 202120 min listen

Science in Exile podcast: Alfred Babo shares his story of being an at-risk and refugee social scientist

Learn more Learn more about Science in Exile podcast: Alfred Babo shares his story of being an at-risk and refugee social scientist

The series has been developed as a contribution to the Science in Exile initiative, and features members of the project’s steering committee as well as other scholars involved in the initiative. The series has been developed by the ISC with its Science in Exile partners – The World Academy of Sciences (UNESCO-TWAS) and the InterAcademy Partnership (IAP).The aim is to give a platform to displaced scientists to share their first-hand experiences, and to raise awareness of the issues faced by refugee, at-risk and displaced scholars.

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