Lai Meng Looi

ISC Fellow (2023)

Professor Looi is acclaimed for her significant contributions in medical science globally through the networks of the Academy of Sciences Malaysia (ASM) and the Malaysian College of Pathologists (in both of which she holds foundation status).

She co-chaired the InterAcademy Medical Panel (now known as IAP-H), for 2 terms, during which this global network of National Sciences and Medical Academies extended initiatives into social determinants of health and inaugurated its signature young physician leadership programme. Her leadership roles in the InterAcademy Partnership, World Association of Societies of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine (WASPaLM) and the Lancet Commission on Diagnostics are embedded in initiatives in capacity building, global health and promotion of evidence-based science for the good of the wider society.

Recent engagements in MRC-UK’s Applied Global Health Research Board, IAP’s project on “Harnessing the World’s Academies to combat predatory academic journals and conferences” and chair of the Environment and Health Pillar of ASM’s National Planetary Health Action Plan, further reflect her stature among peers. Her contributions have been recognised by several accolades including the National Distinguished Professorship (Profesor Ulung), the Malaysian Merdeka Award and the WASPaLM gold-headed cane.

The page has been updated in May 2024.

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