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Dues Revision Working Group 

A new Working Group is being established to review the ISC dues structure prior to the 2025 General Assembly in Oman.

Following the adoption of revised ISC Statutes and Rules of Procedure in March 2024, the Governing Board has mandated the Committee for Finance, Compliance and Risk to establish a Dues Revision Working Group to review the ISC membership dues structure and the work of the previous Ad hoc Dues Committee (2019–2021) to propose a unified and appropriate dues structure for the ISC for consideration by the membership in 2025.  

The new Working Group is currently being established and can draw on the valuable work of the previous Committee, which reviewed the membership dues structure and produced a detailed report for consideration of the membership.  

The 2019-2021 Ad Hoc Dues Committee tabled their report at the 2021 General Assembly:

Members of the Ad hoc Dues Committee (2019-2021) were:

  • Renée van Kessel Hagesteijn (Chair), ISC inauguralTreasurer (The Netherlands)
  • Teresa Lago, International Astronomical Union (Portugal)
  • Enrique Forero, Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales (Colombia)
  • Kathie Bailey, National Academy of Sciences (USA)
  • Daniel Buquet, International Political Science Association (Uruguay)
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