Statutes and policies

ISC Sponsorship and Endorsement Policy

Please submit your request for ISC endorsement or ISC sponsorship by completing the respective online form below.

Cover ISC Sponsorship and Endorsement Policy

ISC Sponsorship and Endorsement Policy

ISC support for an externally initiated activity may be classified as ‘sponsorship’ or ‘endorsement’, depending on the level of support involved. Please submit your request for ISC endorsement or sponsorship of an event, activity or other initiative by completing the respective proposal form below.

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1. Introduction

1.1 The role of the International Science Council (ISC) is to be the global voice for science and to advance science as a global public good. The ISC may sponsor or endorse activities initiated by its Members, Affiliated Bodies or other organizations that fit with its overall vision and mission, strategic direction and objectives. The ISC Sponsorship and Endorsement Policy sets out the conditions and modalities of such support.

2. Principles of ISC sponsorship and endorsement

2.1 The ISC will only sponsor or endorse projects, events and activities that:

  • Are consistent with its mission, values and priorities.
  • Are relevant to a range of ISC Members across disciplinary and geographical boundaries.
  • Make efforts to be inclusive of the geographical, disciplinary, gender and age distribution of participants and audiences.

2.2 Organizations requesting or inviting ISC sponsorship or endorsement must satisfy ISC standards of social, environmental and corporate responsibility.

3. Levels of support

3.1 ISC support for an externally initiated activity may be classified as ‘sponsorship’ or ‘endorsement’, depending on the level of support involved.

3.1.1 ‘ISC sponsorship’ is defined as active engagement of the ISC in an activity initiated by another organization or organizations.

Sponsorship may involve modest to extensive involvement of the ISC Secretariat and/or Governing Board members or ISC delegates in the development, governance, management and potentially implementation of an activity.

Sponsored activities may involve a financial or in-kind contribution from the ISC.

3.1.2 ‘ISC endorsement’ is defined as nominal engagement of the ISC in a worthy activity which is relevant to the ISC’s mission and with which the ISC wishes to be associated, such as an International Year or a global report. As a matter of principle, the ISC will only endorse one International Year per year.

Endorsement does not imply any active role of or direct influence from the ISC in the development and implementation of activities and there is no financial contribution from the ISC.

4. Process for requesting ISC sponsorship or endorsement

4.1 Organizations requesting ISC sponsorship or endorsement must complete the appropriate online form Proposal for ISC Sponsorship or Proposal for ISC Endorsement below.

4.2 Requests for ISC sponsorship or endorsement should ideally be submitted to the ISC Secretariat at least six months prior to a planned event.

4.3 Decisions on requests will be taken by the Secretariat in consultation with relevant Governing Board or Standing Committees members. Requests for sponsorship, especially those involving funding, may require the approval of the Governing Board.

4.4 The processing time for a request will normally not take more than one month.

5. Criteria for assessment

5.1 Requests for ISC sponsorship or endorsement will be assessed on the following criteria:

a) Scientific quality and significance of the activity, including timeliness and appropriateness of the experts and other sponsors involved;
b) Relevance of the initiative to the ISC’s mission and strategic priorities;
c) Relevance to ISC Members across (families of) disciplines and regions;
a) Diversity and inclusivity considerations;
b) Environmental sustainability considerations;
a) Importance of ISC support (with respect to other sources of support) and appropriateness of the kind of support (including the level of any financial contribution) requested from the ISC;
b) Plans for acknowledgement of the ISC and for dissemination and accessibility of outputs.

5.2 The ISC will furthermore assess requests in relation to available ISC resources.

6. Acknowledgements and intellectual property

6.1 The ISC’s sponsorship or endorsement of any activity must be recognized in appropriate ways, such as on web pages, in communication with the public and in literature related to the activity. The ISC’s support must be visibly and appropriately acknowledged, including in any associated digital or printed materials.

6.2 Outputs of any kind resulting from the activity will be the property of the initiating organization(s). The ISC must have the right to review draft outputs, if appropriate.

6.3 The initiating organization(s) must only use the ISC’s name and logo in reference to the activity.

6.4 Any unauthorized use of the ISC’s name or logo will make the agreement between the ISC and the initiating organization void.

7. Confidentiality

7.1 Confidentiality shall be maintained by the initiating organization(s) and its partners with regard to any ISC data that it is exposed to and the ISC contribution (financial or in-kind) that it receives.

7.2 Organizations seeking ISC support must ensure the security of any ISC data they are exposed to, including, but not limited to, intellectual property, proprietary information and confidential information.

8. Termination of ISC support

8.1 ISC sponsorship or endorsement is terminated at the end of the initiative, unless otherwise decided by the ISC.

➡ Online form: Proposal for ISC endorsement

Note: Requesting ISC endorsement of an activity implies that your organization and any official sponsor of the activity in question meet ISC standards of social, environmental and corporate responsibility.

👉 See the ISC Sustainability Principles
👉 See the ISC Anti-Corruption and Anti-Money Laundering Policy

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Name of the contact person
Contact person's institutional address


Please include here: title, date(s)/timeframe, location (if applicable), aim and objectives, intended key outputs (e.g. meeting, workshop, etc.) and outcomes (the change/impact you will make), key experts/people involved, primary sponsor(s) and co-sponsors of the initiative (including ISC Members), timeline and milestones.
If more than one URL, please separate with a , or ;
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 10 files.

➡ Online form: Proposal for ISC sponsorship

Note: Requesting ISC sponsorship of an activity implies that your organization and any other official sponsor of the activity in question meet ISC standards of social, environmental and corporate responsibility.

👉 See the ISC Sustainability Principles
👉 See the ISC Anti-Corruption and Anti-Money Laundering Policy

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.


Name of the contact person
Contact person's institutional address


Please include here: title, date(s)/timeframe, location (if applicable), aim and objectives, intended key outputs (e.g. meeting, workshop, etc.) and outcomes (the change/impact you will make), key experts/people involved, primary sponsor(s) and co-sponsors of the initiative (including ISC Members), timeline and milestones.
If more than one URL, please separate with a , or ;
Is a financial contribution requested as part of this sponsorship partnership?
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 10 files.


Should you have any questions please contact Sarah Moore,
ISC Operations Director (

Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

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