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Opening the record of science: making scholarly publishing work for science in the digital era

Efficient access to the record of science - for authors and for readers - is essential for science and society. This ISC Report examines the current landscape of scholarly publishing, explores future trends and proposes seven principles for scientific and scholarly publishing.

Concerns about the extent to which contemporary scientific and scholarly publishing systems serve the needs of researchers and the public have been raised repeatedly in recent years. This report – which is aimed at the scientific community and its institutions – seeks to establish a shared view of the principles and priorities of the scholarly publishing system. It proposes a series of normative principles that should underlie the operation of scientific and scholarly publishing; describes the current publishing landscape and its trajectory of evolution; analyses the extent to which the principles are observed in practice; and identifies problematic issues that need to be addressed in realizing those principles.

This report is the first output of the ISC’s ongoing project on The Future of Scientific Publishing. It was prepared as a discussion document in consultation with an international working group, and has benefited from expert external review, and from extensive consultations with representatives from the ISC membership. The report will be used to set the agenda for a subsequent phase of discussion and action involving ISC Members and other stakeholders.

International Science Council. 2021. Opening the record of science: making scholarly publishing work for science in the digital era. Paris, France. International Science Council. DOI: 10.24948/2021.01


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