ISC workshop: Inclusive and accessible science communication

How can we communicate science in a more inclusive and accessible manner?
Add to Calendar 2021-09-14 00:00:00 UTC 2021-09-15 00:00:00 UTC UTC ISC workshop: Inclusive and accessible science communication How can we communicate science in a more inclusive and accessible manner?

As part of the continuous workshop series by and for the ISC Science Communications Network, we gathered for an interactive session to discuss best practices in accessible and inclusive science communication.

Watch the recordings, download the slides, and connect with the speakers:

📌 Digital Accessibility for Social Good

Molly Gavriel and Paul Evans, DEV

✅ Download the slides
👋 Follow the Developer Society (DEV) | @devsociety_ 

📧 Connect with Molly and Paul: |

📌 Decolonizing and re-imagining scientific conceptual vocabularies

Divine Fuh

👋 Follow Divine at @divinefuh

📌 Designing inclusive science communication experiences

Jessica Clark

✅ Download the slides
👋 Follow the Dot Connector Studio at @dotcostudio

📧 Connect with Jessica:

📌 Tackling inequalities on stage and backstage of science conferences

Susanne Koch

✅ Download the slides
👋 Follow Susanne at @sus_koch

📧 Connect with Susanne:

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Recording of the previous workshop: The New Frontiers of Science Communication

🟢 Podcasting as a powerful way to tell stories (Anand Jagatia)

🟡 Shedding light on the mystery of Clubhouse (Ioana Sträter)

🟢 The wonderful world of science communication on TikTok (Dr. Robert Lepenies)

Speakers and presentations

Molly Gavriel, the Developer Society (DEV)

In her role as Partnerships Manager, Molly works with partners to maximize the impact of their digital projects, from supporting them to develop a great brief to connecting them to the right opportunities and networks that will see their projects grow.

Paul Evans, the Developer Society (DEV)

As Creative Director and co-founder of the Developer Society (DEV), it’s been Paul’s privilege to draw alongside his partners, get to know them, and walk with them on their journey. Shepherding a project through early facilitated workshops, through the creative process, and out the other side.

The Developer Society (DEV) | @devsociety_ is a fully not for profit co-op digital agency working exclusively with charities, NGOs and activists. It works with some of the biggest and most impactful organizations in the UK and globally, creating technology to help make the world a better place.

Divine Fuh, @divinefuh

Divine Fuh is a social anthropologist at the University of Cape Town, and Director of HUMA – Institute for Humanities in Africa. His work focuses on the politics of suffering and smiling amongst African urban youth, the political economy of Pan African knowledge production, and ethics of AI.

Jessica Clark, @dotcostudio

Clark is a media futurist, journalist, and strategist whose work connects ideas across art, technology, and politics. She founded Dot Connector Studio in November 2013—clients have included the National Endowment for the Arts, the Ford Foundation, the Knight Foundation, the Wikimedia Foundation, the Internet Archive, and other philanthropic and media organizations.  She is the co-author of Making a New Reality: A toolkit for inclusive media futures (, published in 2020. In 2016, she co-founded Immerse ( — an online publication designed to spur creative discussion of emerging storytelling—and now serves as its publisher.

Susanne Koch, @sus_koch

Susanne Kochis currently a visiting scholar of the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS), Leiden University, and the Chair of Forest and Environmental Policy, Technical University of Munich (TUM). She is also an affiliate of the Global Research Programme on Inequality (GRIP),and research fellow at CREST and the DSI-NRF Centre of Excellence in STI Policy, Stellenbosch University. Holding a PhD in sociology, she works at the interface of science and environmental studies. Her research focuses on gender- and geography-related inequalities and their epistemic effects in forest research, and the role of knowledge diversity in the context of societal transformation; for both themes, conferences as spaces of science communication play a crucial role.

Alison Meston, Moderator

ISC Communications Director

Add to Calendar 2021-09-14 00:00:00 UTC 2021-09-15 00:00:00 UTC UTC ISC workshop: Inclusive and accessible science communication How can we communicate science in a more inclusive and accessible manner?
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