Statement on concerns over escalation of extreme violence in Sudan

A statement by the ISC President Peter Gluckman and ISC Vice-President for Freedom and Responsibility in Science Anne Husebekk

The ISC’s Committee for Freedom and Responsibility in Science actively monitors disruptions to scientific freedoms. The ISC is therefore deeply concerned by the latest escalation of extreme violence between rival military groups in densely populated areas of Sudan.

Our first concern is with the people of Sudan, who are experiencing first-hand the effects of civil war – instability, displacement, trauma, and loss of life. Beyond these abhorrent impacts on the lives of the Sudanese people, this crisis jeopardizes all aspects of Sudan’s science system and culture.

We would like to acknowledge the struggles and dangers faced by our Sudanese colleagues in the global scientific community, and in particular our members who have been prevented from attending the May 2023 ISC Members’ Meetings by this conflict. We support you and stand in solidarity with you, and all our colleagues around the world whose scientific freedoms are under attack and who conduct scientific research in times of crisis.

Update 31 October 2023

Read ISC Fellow, Mohamad H.A. Hassan’s piece in Nature on Sudan.

Sudan’s disastrous war — and the science it is imperilling

Ongoing conflict has displaced students and destroyed institutions that were once among Africa’s best. Small projects show how a brighter future can be built.

Mohamed H. A. Hassan

Nature | World View | 31 October 2023

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