COVID-Education Alliance (COVIDEA) 

Status: Completed
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COVIDEA was created in response to a major challenge exposed by the COVID-19 pandemic: how to make education systems agile in the face of external shocks and fully adapted to the digital transformation.


COVIDEA aims to help transform education systems, integrating lessons learned during the pandemic to improve the response to similar challenges in the future. At the same time, by bringing together education and technology experts, the project will encourage educators and institutions to take advantage of transformative digital tools and new ideas that can improve education systems as a whole.

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Convened by the Foundation for Global Governance and Sustainability (FOGGS), the Platform for Transformative Technologies (P4TT) and the ISC, the COVIDEA initiative aims to push the evolution of education systems towards a more sustainable future, and to contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on universal education and life-long learning. To that end, the project focuses on recommending affordable, accessible options which can be used to most effectively fulfil SDG priorities on gender and racial bias, inequality and human rights.

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02 August 2020 - 10 min read

ISC experts appointed to the COVID-Education Alliance (COVIDEA)

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