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ISC Governing Board elections 2024

Electronic voting took place from 9 to 18 December.

The ISC Nominations and Elections Committee 2024–2028, which is tasked with managing the process of nomination, election and appointment of members of the ISC Governing Board, shortlisted candidates for the consideration of the ISC Members in the framework of the Governing Board elections in December 2024.

Following the revision of the ISC Statutes and Rules of Procedure at an extraordinary ISC General Assembly in February 2024, the terms of office of ISC Governing Board members are staggered for the first time with these elections.

In this election, the following positions were filled:

  • President-elect
  • Vice-President for Freedom and Responsibility in Science
  • Vice-President for Membership
  • Five ordinary members
Grasses in sunlight

ISC General Assembly elects new Governing Board
Read the announcement

View the detailed voting report (password required).


ISC Members eligible to vote could designate one voting delegate per Member organization by 1 December.

Voting opened on 9 December and closed on 18 December.

The results of the elections will be shared with ISC Members via email and announced on the ISC website by 20 December.

Who may vote

Members in good standing (that is, Category 1Category 2 and Category 3 Members having paid their membership dues for the past three years up to and including 2023 or, for new Members of less than three years’ standing, since joining the ISC and until 2023 inclusive) are eligible to vote (Section III, Statute 10). Members in Category 1, 2 and 3 benefitting from a waiver of dues are also eligible to vote. Members of Category 4 may not vote.

Voting system

Please find below references to the most relevant ISC Statutes and Rules of Procedure.

In sessions of the General Assembly a quorum shall consist of a minimum of 50% of the Members eligible to vote (Rule of Procedure 1.1) – that is, at least half of the eligible Members in any category of membership must vote.

The voting system that applies to this vote is set out in Section V, Statute 17.ii:

  • a. Category 1 Members collectively have 40 percent of the overall vote; Category 2 Members collectively have 40 percent of the overall vote; Category 3 Members collectively have 20 percent of the overall vote.
  • b. Within Category 1 and Category 3, each Member has an equal vote.
  • c. Each Category 2 Member has an equal vote, except in cases where there is more than one Category 2 Member representing the same country, territory or region, in which case the Members from that country, territory or region must agree on a common voting position resulting in a single vote. Should they not find agreement, they shall have a proportion of that vote agreed between them, otherwise the vote will be divided proportionately to dues paid.

According to Rule of Procedure 2.3, the election of the members of the Governing Board by the General Assembly shall be by secret ballot.

According to Rule of Procedure 2.4, for all positions on the Governing Board, other than President-elect, each voting Member shall vote for no more names than there are vacancies to be filled. The number of votes to be cast by each voting Member shall conform with Statute 17.

According to Rule of Procedure 5.5, when a single candidate is offered for any (officer) position, at least two thirds of the valid votes shall be required for the candidate to be confirmed. If that is not achieved, the Nominations and Elections Committee will offer an alternative candidate. When two candidates are offered for any position, election will be by established voting procedure (see Statute 17 and Rule of Procedure 2).

Voting process

Each Member organization eligible to vote could designate one voting delegate by 1 December.

From 9 December, the voting link was sent to the designated and validated voting delegates. Votes could be cast until midnight UTC on 18 December.


Narelle Van Der Wel

Narelle Van Der Wel

Science and Communications Officer

World Climate Research Programme (WCRP)

Narelle Van Der Wel
Cyrus Pan Walther

Cyrus Pan Walther

ISC Fellow (2023)

Cyrus Pan Walther
Enrique Teran

Enrique Teran


Academy of Sciences of Ecuador

Enrique Teran


Should you have any questions regarding the nominations and elections process, please contact the ISC Operations Director, Sarah Moore.

Should you have any questions regarding the voting process, please contact the ISC Membership Liaison Officer, Anne Thieme.

Sarah Moore

Sarah Moore

Operations Director

International Science Council

Sarah Moore
Anne Thieme

Anne Thieme

Communications Officer, Membership Liaison

International Science Council

Anne Thieme
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