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Election of the ISC Nominations and Elections Committee (2024 – 2028)

View the composition of the ISC Nominations and Elections Committee (2024 – 2028) below.


The ISC Nominations and Elections Committee was established to advise on and direct the processes of nomination, election and appointment of members of the ISC Governing Board (according to Statute 38 of the Statutes and Rules of Procedure), and to ensure the appropriateness, effectiveness, and inclusiveness of its composition.

ISC Members were invited to submit nominations for the committee by 16 April 2024, after which the ISC Governing Board reviewed the nominations received, taking geographical, disciplinary, gender, ethnicity and career stage considerations into account. The proposed composition of the ISC Nominations and Elections Committee was announced to ISC Members on 10 May (letter from the ISC President on the proposed composition of the Nominations and Elections Committee). Electronic voting opened on 13 May and closed on 21 May. The results of the vote were announced to the ISC membership on 24 May 2024.

Summary of the results

Of 199 Members in good standing eligible to vote, 145 (72.9%) Members voted on the composition of the ISC Nominations and Elections Committee. A quorum (50%) was therefore reached.

The proposed composition of the ISC Nominations and Elections Committee was approved by 99.1% of the weighted votes cast, with 0.9% of the votes against.

Timeline of nominations and appointment process

24 May 2024– Announcement of the composition of the NEC
27 May 2024– NEC convenes, receives briefing from the President and CEO
30 May 2024– NEC convenes to develop call for nominations for Governing Board positions
11 June 2024– Announcement of serving Governing Board members confirmed for an extended mandate
– Call for nominations for Governing Board members
30 August 2024– Deadline for nominations for Governing Board members
15 October 2024– Circulation of lists of candidates for Governing Board positions to the Members
11-16 December 2024– Governing Board elections (electronic)


The ISC Nominations and Elections Committee is composed as follows, according to Statute 40:

  • i. An independent chair proposed by the Governing Board, being an individual who is not representing or active in any ISC Member or its advisory bodies
  • ii. 2 Governing Board members not seeking re-election
  • iii. 1 nominee from the Fellowship Council
  • iv. 3 nominees from Category 1 Members
  • v. 3 nominees from Category 2 Members
  • vi. 1 nominee from Category 3 Members

The members of the ISC Nominations and Elections Committee 2024–2028 are:

Chair: Irina Bokova
ISC Patron and co-chair of the Global Commission on Science Missions for Sustainability, International Science Council; former Director-General of UNESCO

Salim Abdool Karim
Director of the Centre for the AIDS Programme of Research in South Africa (CAPRISA);
Vice-President for Outreach and Engagement, International Science Council

Areas of expertise: Biomedical sciences, epidemiology, virology

Mei-Hung Chiu
Emeritus Professor at the Graduate Institute of Science Education, National Taiwan Normal University; Ordinary Governing Board member, International Science Council

Areas of expertise: Science education

Maria J. Esteban
Emerita senior researcher at CNRS, University of Paris-Dauphine

Areas of expertise: Applied mathematics

Nathalie Lemarchand
Professor/First Vice-President, University of Paris VIII/International Geographical Union

Areas of expertise: Human geography, globalization of retailing, consumption, scientific production

Narinder Mehra
Vice President (international affairs), Indian National Science Academy

Areas of expertise: Biomedical sciences, transplant immunology, autoimmune diseases, science policy

Elina Moustaira
Professor of Comparative Law, School of Law, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece

Areas of expertise: Comparative law, art law, insolvency law

Cheryl Praeger
Emeritus Professor, Centre for the Mathematics of Symmetry and Computation, University of Western Australia

Areas of expertise: Mathematics and data analysis, mentoring, women in STEM, international linkages

Anderson Ho Cheung SHUM
Professor, Department of Mechanichal Engineering, University of Hong Kong

Areas of expertise: Chemical engineering, biomedical, innovation and entrepreneurship, networking of young scientists

Vaughan Turekian
Executive Director, Policy and Global Affairs Division, US National Academies

Areas of expertise: Science policy, science diplomacy, governance, cooperation

Albert van Jaarsveld
ISC Fellow; former Director General and CEO, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)

Areas of expertise: Biodiversity, sustainability, science policy


Office of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS)

Head, Secretariat of the Global Research Programme on Inequality (GRIP)

Executive Director, Committee on Space Research (COSPAR)


Anne Thieme

Anne Thieme

Membership Liaison Officer

International Science Council

Anne Thieme

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