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Sawako Shirahase

Vice-President for Finance

International Science Council

Involvement at the ISC

  • ISC Vice-President for Finance (2022-2024)
  • ISC Foundation Fellow (June 2022)
  • Chair, ISC Standing Committee for Finance (2022-2025)
  • Former member of the ISC’s Committee for Freedom and Responsibility in Science (2019-2021)


Sawako Shirahase is Professor of Sociology at the Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, the University of Tokyo. She received her D.Phil in sociology from the University of Oxford in 1997, and joined the University of Tokyo in 2006. She became a professor at the Department of Sociology in 2010. She served as Vice-President of the University of Tokyo in 2018 and was Executive Vice-President for International Affairs at the university from 2019 to 2021. She is currently Director of the University of Tokyo Center for Contemporary Japanese Studies, which she founded in 2020 to foster global academic networking and collaboration, particularly for early-career researchers and students.

Her major research topics include social stratification and inequality, demographic transformation, gender and family, and social security systems in cross-national perspectives.  She is currently working on how to construct an inclusive future, focusing on the role of public and private transfers in providing livelihood security in the framework of comparative welfare state theory. She has run several large and longitudinal research projects as a principal investigator and published several books and articles on these issues.

Shirahase serves as a member of the Committee for Freedom and Responsibility in Science (CFRS) of the International Science Council since July 2019. She is a Vice-President for Finance and Membership of ISC Member, the International Sociological Association ISC (2018-2022), and a board member of Japan Society of Family Sociology.

白波瀬佐和子は、東京大学大学院人文社会学研究科社会学教授である。彼女は1997年にオックスフォード大学で社会学の博士号を取得した。2006 年から東京大学に着任し、2010年に同研究科・教授(社会学)になりました。2018 年に東京大学の国際担当副学長を務め、2019年から2021年まで国際担当理事·副学長を務めました。現在、東京大学現代日本研究センター(TCJS)所長を務めている。同センターは、日本に関連した社会科学的アプローチ研究を中心に人文学を含む日本に関する研究を比較の観点からも支援し、国外に発信することを主な目的とする。特に、若手研究者育成も重要な本センターの重要な柱としており、グローバルな学術ネットワークとの連携促進を目的に、2020 年に設立されました。



The page was updated in May 2024.

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