Position paper

07 November 2023

The Contextualization Deficit: Reframing Trust in Science for Multilateral Policy

Learn more Learn more about The Contextualization Deficit: Reframing Trust in Science for Multilateral Policy
silhouettes of people on blocks publications
23 October 2023

A framework for evaluating rapidly developing digital and related technologies: AI, large language models and beyond

Learn more Learn more about A framework for evaluating rapidly developing digital and related technologies: AI, large language models and beyond
06 July 2023

Position paper for the 2023 High-Level Political Forum

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11 May 2023

The future of research evaluation: A synthesis of current debates and developments

Learn more Learn more about The future of research evaluation: A synthesis of current debates and developments
17 June 2022

Position paper of the Scientific and Technological Community Major Group for the 2022 High-level Political Forum

Learn more Learn more about Position paper of the Scientific and Technological Community Major Group for the 2022 High-level Political Forum
01 June 2022

Science for Stockholm +50

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09 March 2022

The normalization of preprints

Learn more Learn more about The normalization of preprints
03 November 2021

Strengthening research integrity: The role and responsibilities of publishing

Learn more Learn more about Strengthening research integrity: The role and responsibilities of publishing
27 October 2021

Public perceptions and understandings of science

Learn more Learn more about Public perceptions and understandings of science
Global public good header image publications
01 October 2021

Science as a Global Public Good

Learn more Learn more about Science as a Global Public Good
Abstract image publications
08 June 2021

Position paper for 2021 HLPF

Learn more Learn more about Position paper for 2021 HLPF
11 September 2020

Open Science for the 21st Century

Learn more Learn more about Open Science for the 21st Century
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