Dues Committee

This ad hoc committee completed its tasks.

The ad hoc Dues Committee was tasked with reviewing the membership dues structure with a view to producing a fair and unified dues structure. Their report was presented at the General Assembly in October 2021. In view of the intention to expand ISC membership and the associated consequences for voting rights, the Committee recommended that a new dues structure be developed in tandem with the revision of the membership structure and voting rights for a future General Assembly.’ 

Members of the committee included:

  • Renée van Kessel Hagesteijn (Chair), ISC Treasurer (The Netherlands)
  • Teresa Lago, International Astronomical Union (Portugal)
  • Enrique Forero, Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales (Colombia)
  • Kathie Bailey, National Academy of Sciences (USA)
  • Daniel Buquet, International Political Science Association (Uruguay)
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