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Converging Science and Technology in a Digital Era – an overview of ISC data-related activities

Knowledge sharing session for ISC Members, ISC affiliated bodies and their wider networks. 15 February 2022, 08:00 UTC 16 February 2022, 15:00 UTC
Add to Calendar 2022-02-15 00:00:00 UTC 2022-02-16 00:00:00 UTC UTC Converging Science and Technology in a Digital Era – an overview of ISC data-related activities Knowledge sharing session for ISC Members, ISC affiliated bodies and their wider networks. 15 February 2022, 08:00 UTC 16 February 2022, 15:00 UTC

Global society is in the throes of a digital revolution that has transformed the way in which information and knowledge are acquired, stored, communicated and used. This revolution is distinguished by its speed, its global pervasiveness and its disruptive consequences and poses powerful opportunities and radical challenges both to science and to society to adapt in ways that maximise beneficial and minimise negative outcomes.

Since its first year of operation, the International Science Council has made “data” a scientific priority in both the 2019 – 2021 Action Plan and the 2022 – 2024 Action Plan. In this edition of the ISC knowledge sharing sessions, we gave an overview of “Domain 2: Converging Science and Technology in a Digital Era” in the 2022 – 2024 Action Plan and the related projects within this domain, and we presented the current portfolio of activities and opportunities for collaboration with the ISC affiliated bodies “The Committee on Data (CODATA)” and “World Data System (WDS)“.


Domain 2 “Converging Science and Technology in a Digital Era” of the ISC 2022 – 2024 Action Plan
Committee on Data (CODATA)
World Data System (WDS)

Related links

🔵 Learn more about the work of the 15 ISC affiliated bodies
🔵 ISC 2022 – 2024 Action Plan and related projects
🔵 ISC project “Making data work for cross-domain grand challenges
🔵 ISC project on Open Science

🔹 CODATA Data Science Journal
🔹 CODATA Task Group on Fundamental Constants
🔹 CODATA Digital Representation of Units of Measurement (DRUM) Task Group (Contact: Simon Hodson, Robert J. Hanisch, Stuart Chalk)
🔹 IUSSP-CODATA Working Group on FAIR Vocabularies
🤝 Collaborate on the CODATA Global Open Science Cloud (GOSC) Initiative
🖊 Sign-up for GOSC thematic working groups and case studies

📅 International Data Week

Get in touch

📧 ISC Action Plan Domain 2: [email protected]

📧 CODATA: [email protected]

📧 WDS: [email protected]

Get involved

📣 Submit your session proposal(s) for the International Data Week’s SciDataCon 2022 by 28 February

👉 CODES: Register to join the CODES community, receive updates and participate in CODES activities

👉 FAIR Vocabularies: Consider the Cox et al article and other related activities – please contact Simon Hodson and Richard Hartshorn if you would like to be part of any of the initiatives 

👉 WorldFAIR: Project launch is expected for June 2022 – please contact Simon Hodson if your organization is interested in engaging with the core interoperability work and suggesting a case study

👉 GOSC: Sign up to the working groups and case studies


— Indicated times refer to UTC —

15 February 2022

08:00 – 08:05Welcome (Alison Meston)
08:05 – 08:15Presentation by Megha Sud
Science Officer, International Science Council (ISC)
08:15 – 08:30Presentation by Simon Hodson
Executive Director, ISC Committee on Data (CODATA)
08:30 – 08:45Presentation by David Castle
Chair of the Scientific Committee, World Data System (WDS);
Researcher in Residence, Office of the Chief Science Advisor, Government of Canada
08:45 – 09:15Q&A, discussion

16 February 2022

15:00 – 15:05Welcome (Alison Meston)
15:05 – 15:15Presentation by Megha Sud
Science Officer, International Science Council (ISC)
15:15 – 15:30Presentation by Simon Hodson
Executive Director, ISC Committee on Data (CODATA)
15:30 – 15:45Presentation by David Castle
Chair of the Scientific Committee, World Data System (WDS);
Researcher in Residence, Office of the Chief Science Advisor, Government of Canada
15:45 – 16:15Q&A, discussion


Simon Hodson
CODATA Executive Director

David-Castle, WDS

David Castle
WDS Scientific Committee Chair

Megha Sud
ISC Science Officer

Alison Meston
ISC Communications Director

The discoveries and applications of science and technology enabled by massive data resources and AI systems are providing innovative solutions to old problems in private and public sectors, notably in areas of convergence between information, bio, nano and cognitive technologies. However, they can also deepen inequalities and discrimination, entrench large-scale disempowerment, and maintain a trajectory of growth that continues to deplete planetary resources. Drawing on upstream domains of creative research, the ISC’s interests primarily concern areas of application of these technologies, exploiting interdisciplinary potentials, assessing environmental impacts, regard for issues of ethics, regulation and governance, and potential social impacts. Given the vital role of data in most areas of science, issues of data ownership and accessibility are increasingly coming to the fore, with questions about the achievability of a ‘global data commons’.

Read more on Domain 2: “Converging Science and Technology in a Digital Era”
in the ISC 2022 – 2024 Action Plan Science and Society in Transition

Should you have any questions, please contact the
ISC Membership Liaison Officer Anne Thieme
via [email protected].

Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

Add to Calendar 2022-02-15 00:00:00 UTC 2022-02-16 00:00:00 UTC UTC Converging Science and Technology in a Digital Era – an overview of ISC data-related activities Knowledge sharing session for ISC Members, ISC affiliated bodies and their wider networks. 15 February 2022, 08:00 UTC 16 February 2022, 15:00 UTC
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