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#UnlockingScience: Prioritizing Institutional Responses To Distrust In Science

What can scientists and the institutions they work for do to respond to the distrust and mis-information in science around the world? Our panel looks at what has worked and why science communication is in need of a revolution.
Add to Calendar 2021-11-10 00:00:00 UTC 2021-11-10 00:00:00 UTC UTC #UnlockingScience: Prioritizing Institutional Responses To Distrust In Science What can scientists and the institutions they work for do to respond to the distrust and mis-information in science around the world? Our panel looks at what has worked and why science communication is in need of a revolution.
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This session explores the latest evidence on how the public builds its understanding of science. We explore where the blocks are structurally and psychologically to a more constructive engagement between scientific consensus and what is often referred to as, the general public. The panel will feature university heads, journalism activists, cognitive scientists, and we’ll also hear from BBC StoryWorks Commercial Productions ahead of the launch of a series on the science of sustainability they have produced for the ISC.

#UnlockingScience: Compelling stories, curious science

In an online series, we present fascinating insights behind the science of sustainability

The session was hosted by the International Science Council to mark the World Science Day for Peace and Development.

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Add to Calendar 2021-11-10 00:00:00 UTC 2021-11-10 00:00:00 UTC UTC #UnlockingScience: Prioritizing Institutional Responses To Distrust In Science What can scientists and the institutions they work for do to respond to the distrust and mis-information in science around the world? Our panel looks at what has worked and why science communication is in need of a revolution.
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