The oversight and selection committees provide necessary strategic and advisory support to the initiative.
Oversight committee
- Provides strategic and advisory oversight of the initiative and the call process;
- Provides strategic and advisory oversight of funding solicitations and allocations;
- Supports the ISC with fundraising for the pilots;
- Provides final sign-off on the disbursement of funding for the 18-month co-design phase of the call;
- Evaluates the co-design phase of the Pilot Science Missions and makes recommendations for Pilot Science Missions to proceed to full project implementation phase (i.e. after the 18-month co-design phase).
Selection committee
- Together with the ISC secretariat, refines the selection process and criteria for the Pilot Science Missions;
- May – June 2024: Provides substantive assessment of eligible expressions of interest to the call;
- End of June 2024: Makes recommendations or the shortlisted Pilot Science MIssions on the basis of selection criteria;
- October – November 2024: provides substantive assessment of fully developed bids for the co-designing phase of the Pilot Science Missions, on the basis of selection criteria and funding constraints.
With contribution from members of the Technical Advisory Group: