
Browse the list of available profiles from our community.

Vivi Stavrou

Vivi Stavrou

Executive Secretary of CFRS and Senior Science Officer

International Science Council

Vivi Stavrou
Anne-Sophie Stevance

Anne-Sophie Stevance

Senior Science Officer, Head of Global Science Policy Unit

International Science Council

Anne-Sophie Stevance
Magdalena Stoeva

Magdalena Stoeva

ISC Fellow (2023)

Magdalena Stoeva
Peter Strohschneider

Peter Strohschneider

ISC Fellow (Dec 2022)

Peter Strohschneider
Peseta Su’a Desmond Mene Lee Hang

Peseta Su’a Desmond Mene Lee Hang

Deputy Vice-Chancellor

National University of Samoa

Peseta Su’a Desmond Mene Lee Hang
Megha Sud

Megha Sud

Senior Science Officer

International Science Council

Megha Sud
Suad Sulaiman

Suad Sulaiman

ISC Fellow (2023)

Suad Sulaiman
Derrick Swartz

Derrick Swartz

Special Advisor

South Africa’s Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

Derrick Swartz
Ramesh T. Subramaniam

Ramesh T. Subramaniam

ISC Fellow (2023)

Ramesh T. Subramaniam
Natalia Tarasova

Natalia Tarasova

ISC Foundation Fellow (June 2022)

Natalia Tarasova
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