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Call for nominations for the ISC Governing Board | deadline: 30 August

Nominations are now closed.

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In accordance with the revised Statutes and Rules of Procedure adopted by the membership of the International Science Council on 8 March 2024, the ISC Nominations and Elections Committee is calling for nominations for eight Governing Board positions opening at the end of the year.

All ISC Members in Category 1, 2 and 3 in good standing are invited to submit nominations for the ISC Governing Board by completing the online nomination form below.

The deadline for nominations is 30 August 2024.

Nominations are requested for the following eight positions:

• President-elect
• Vice-President for Membership
• Vice-President for Freedom and Responsibility in Science
• 5 ordinary members

👉 Read the full call for nominations for ISC Governing Board members in pdf version

👉Read the full call for nominations for ISC Governing Board members online below.

Full call for nominations for ISC Governing Board members

In accordance with the revised Statutes and Rules of Procedure adopted by the International Science Council on 8 March 2024, the Nominations and Elections Committee is calling for nominations for eight Governing Board positions opening at the end of the year.

Each ISC Member in Category 1, 2 or 3 in good standing may nominate candidates for the Governing Board.

Deadline for submission of nominations: 30 August 2024

1. Background to the call

With the adoption of revised Statutes and Rules of Procedure on 8 March 2024 the terms of office of ISC Governing Board members have been lengthened from three to four years, and will be staggered, with half of the Board members rotating off every two years. The membership decided in a special vote, also concluding on 8 March 2024, to introduce the staggering through an extraordinary process whereby the current President and half the other members of the Governing Board (two vice-presidents and five ordinary members) would serve an extended mandate until October 2026, while half of the members of the Governing Board would be renewed before the end of 2024, applying the new election process established in the Statutes and Rules of Procedure.

In accordance with the Statutes and Rules of Procedure, the Nominations and Elections Committee includes two outgoing members of the Governing Board, who are not standing for re-election, namely Professor Salim Abdool Karim (Vice-President for Outreach and Engagement) and Professor Mei-Hung Chiu (ordinary member).

It was furthermore the decision of the membership that the Nominations and Elections Committee, which was itself established by a vote of the General Assembly concluding on 21 May, would decide which of the current Governing Board members who were willing to continue would be invited to serve an extended term of office, until October 2026.

The following current Governing Board members have accepted the invitation of the Nominations and Elections Committee to extend their term of office:

  1. Motoko Kotani, Vice-President Science Programmes (Japan, mathematics)
  2. Sawako Shirahase, Vice-President Finance, Compliance and Risk (Japan, sociology)
  3. Karina Batthyany, ordinary member (Uruguay, sociology)
  4. Francoise Baylis, ordinary member (Canada, philosophy, bioethics)
  5. Geoffrey Boulton, ordinary member (UK, geology)
  6. Walter Oyawa, ordinary member (Kenya, engineering sciences)
  7. Maria Paradiso, ordinary member (Italy, economic and political geography)

2. Scope of the call

In view of the above, the Nominations and Elections Committee is calling for nominations for the following eight positions:

  • President-elect
  • Vice-President for Membership
  • Vice-President for Freedom and Responsibility in Science
  • 5 ordinary members

In accordance with Rules of Procedure 5.2 and 6.2, Members eligible to vote are invited to nominate:

A) One candidate for each of the offices of:

  • President-Elect
  • Vice-President for Membership
  • Vice-President for Freedom and Responsibility in Science

B) Up to three candidates for ordinary member of the Governing Board.

The maximum number of nominations from each ISC Member is therefore six.

Members of the Nominations and Elections Committee are not eligible to be candidates for the Governing Board.

The Nominations and Elections Committee will be seeking to ensure the diversity and representativity of the Governing Board with the incoming members.

3. Duties and commitment of Governing Board members

Nominees must be aware of and willing to assume the responsibilities of Board membership and the significant time commitment involved. From Statute 18:

The main functions of the Governing Board are to provide scientific and strategic leadership, uphold the Council’s principles and values, oversee the pursuit of the Council’s vision and mission, and secure the financial and operational robustness of the Council.

Further details of specific duties of Governing Board officers and ordinary members are set out in the Statutes and Rules of Procedure appended.

In practical terms, all Governing Board members are expected to:

  1. Participate in all Board meetings and actively contribute to strategic and operational business
  2. Chair or serve on advisory bodies and task forces
  3. Represent the Council at events (virtual and in-person)
  4. Provide expert and strategic advice on ISC strategy, activities and fundraising
  5. Advocate actively for the Council and its mission and vision in appropriate arenas.

The workload is uneven over the year, but the average workload is estimated as follows:

  • Ordinary members: 3-4 hours per week
  • Vice-Presidents: 5-7 hours per week
  • President-elect: 5-7 hours per week
  • President: 10-14 hours per week, including significant travel

The Governing Board meets on average 6-7 times per year, including at least once in person.

In addition, the Executive Committee (comprising the officers) meets on average 6-7 times per year, generally virtually.

Members of the Governing Board serve the Council in their personal capacity and not as representatives of their institutions or organizations.

Governing Board members will be expected to adhere to the ISC Code of Conduct.

Newly appointed Governing Board members are expected to attend the third ISC General Assembly in Muscat, Oman, on 26–30 January 2025.

4. Profiles sought

All Governing Board members are expected to: 

  1. Be individuals of the highest calibre who have made significant and widely recognized contributions to science.
  2. Have global or regional standing that will enhance the status and impact of the ISC.
  3. Have deep knowledge and understanding of current and emerging issues in science and science systems and in the international policy and science policy arena.
  4. Have experience in governance and leadership of scientific organizations, especially in international or complex structures;
  5. Have a strong interest in promoting cooperation and integration in science for a strengthened international science agenda;
  6. Be familiar with the ISC, its mission, membership, and portfolio of activities and the range of its stakeholders;
  7. Be familiar with the international landscape of organizations working in science;
  8. Have knowledge of the landscape of funders of science.

The officers have special responsibilities and are expected to have specific experience and expertise, as follows.


The President, and by extension the President-elect, should exemplify the qualities mentioned above.
Candidates for the role of President-elect should:

– Be capable of strategic leadership of a prestigious, complex international scientific membership-based organization;
– Be able to devote a very significant amount of time and energy to the role (on average 10-14 hours per week) and have the capacity to travel;
– Have experience in science diplomacy;
– Have a wide network and be well established in the science and science policy worlds;
– Be able to work effectively with the Governing Board, the Executive Committee, the CEO and other members of management;
– Be capable of communicating effectively with UN agencies, government, the media and the scientific community.

The President-elect shall assist the President and prepare to assume the role of President, ensuring continuity and a smooth transition, and take a leading role in the consideration of strategic priorities. The President-elect will take office as President around October 2026 and serve as President for four years.  
Vice-President for Membership

The Vice-President for Membership is expected to have experience and expertise in relationship management with members and partners. It is a vital role on the Governing Board, dedicated to fostering strong relationships and acting as an ambassador of the ISC’s current and future Members. This position focuses on enhancing Member engagement, building partnerships, and promoting the ISC’s mission and values globally.

The Vice-President for Membership assists efforts to connect ISC Members with each other and with influential networks worldwide. The Vice-President for Membership may be called on to represent the ISC at international events. By building and maintaining strong relationships with existing Members and by fostering new Members, the Vice-President Membership encourages the ISC community to grow and thrive. The Vice-President for Membership works closely with the ISC Secretariat to promote and amplify Members’ activities, driving initiatives like the ISC Knowledge Sharing Sessions and the ISC Knowledge Sharing Platform.

The Vice-President for Membership will also collaborate with the President and other Vice-Presidents to align membership strategies with the ISC’s vision of science as a global public good.  
Vice-President for Freedom and Responsibility in Science

The Vice-President for Freedom and Responsibility in Science is an individual with widely recognized achievements and contributions in defending scientific freedom and promoting the responsible conduct and practice of science. This Vice-President has demonstrated interest and understanding of issues concerning the value of science and how science operates with society, as well as knowledge of current global trends and issues in relation to freedom and responsibility in science. The Vice-President has strong diplomacy skills in light of the very delicate nature of the portfolio.

The Vice-President for Freedom and Responsibility in Science chairs the Committee for Freedom and Responsibility in Science (CFRS). CFRS has two full committee meetings per year, normally virtual. The Vice-President also chairs a sub-committee to deal with urgent matters between meetings of the full committee.  

5. The nomination and selection process

Nominations should be submitted using the submission form below.

Note that nominations for officer positions (President-elect and Vice-Presidents) must be supported by at least three Members from at least two categories of membership.

Candidates for officer positions may indicate that they are willing to be considered for an ordinary member position, should they not be selected by the NEC as candidates for an officer position.

The Nominations and Elections Committee will consider the nominations and make a selection of candidates, considering the qualities and characteristics sought but also that:

The membership of the Governing Board should reflect the diversity of the Council’s membership base, with particular attention being paid to ensuring effective representation of the different branches of science. The membership of the Governing Board should also be inclusive of geography, gender, ethnicity and career stage. [Statute 21]

The Committee may search beyond the pool of nominations from the ISC membership for appropriate additional candidates, if needed.

The Committee will interview up to three candidates for each officer position and may interview candidates for ordinary member positions, if needed.

The Committee will put forward to the membership:

  • One candidate for President-elect
  • One or two candidates for Vice-President positions
  • 10 candidates for ordinary member positions

6. Timeline

The date for conclusion of the election process having been set by the Governing Board as 16 December 2024, in order to allow newly elected Board members to attend the General Assembly in Oman on 26-30 January 2025, the nominations and elections process timeline is as follows:

11 Jun 2024Call for nominations for Governing Board members
Dates to be confirmedInformation meeting(s) for ISC Members with the chair of the NEC and the ISC President
30 Aug 2024Deadline for nominations for Governing Board members
Sep–15 Oct 2024Assessment, interviews and shortlisting of candidates
15 Oct 2024Circulation of lists of candidates for Governing Board positions to the Members (two month in advance of elections)
9–16 Dec 2024Governing Board elections (by electronic vote)
26–30 Jan 2025General Assembly and Governing Board meeting, Muscat, Oman

7. How to submit nominations

Each nomination will require:

  1. Contact information for the nominating organization
  2. Contact information for the nominee
  3. A justification of the nomination by the ISC Member, illustrating how the candidate satisfies the requirements outlined above (maximum 800 words). The justification will be made available to the membership if shortlisted for election and should cover:

    – The nominee’s relevant experience
    – The nominee’s expertise and qualities
    – Why the person would be suitable for the role on the ISC Governing Board
  4. For candidates for Officer positions, the contact details of the two supporting ISC Members must be stated.
  5. Current and past positions of the nominee
  6. A link to a personal webpage with a biography or to a short curriculum vitae (max. 3 pages)
  7. A profile photo of the nominee

Nominations should be submitted via the online submission form below by 30 August 2024.

8. Contact

Sarah Moore, Operations Director:

Who may nominate

ISC Members in good standing (that is, Category 1, 2 and 3 Members having paid their membership dues for the past three years up to and including 2023 or, for new Members of less than three years’ standing, since joining the ISC and until 2023 inclusive) are eligible to make nominations (Statute 10).


Should you have any questions, please contact Sarah Moore, Director, Operations (

Sarah Moore

Sarah Moore

Operations Director

International Science Council

Sarah Moore

Photo by rivage on Unsplash