The 2023 call for nominations to the ISC Fellowship is now open

Nominations are now open for the next intake of ISC Fellows. Nominations close on 15 October 2023 and new Fellows will be announced in December 2023.

In June 2022, the International Science Council announced the creation of the ISC Fellowship and the appointment of 66 Foundation Fellows. Later the same year, it appointed a further 57 Fellows and three Honorary Fellows, bringing the present number to 126 in total. Subsequent annual calls will build the Fellowship to an anticipated 600 active Fellows. 

The Fellows include eminent scientists, engineers and thought-leaders from the science-policy sphere who have made remarkable contributions to furthering understanding of and engagement with science. As scientific experts and as knowledge brokers, they uphold the ISC’s vision of science as a global public good, of knowledge that is shared openly and freely to all who wish to scrutinize it and to use it to further understanding.

In launching the ISC Fellowship, Peter Gluckman, ISC President said:

“We want to clearly recognize those scientists who have and continue to contribute to the global voice for science. In that way we expand our footprint and our voice. Science needs champions, not just those who receive high profile scientific prizes but champions who can give voice to the global voice for science”.

Peter Gluckman, President of the International Science Council.

The ISC Fellowship represents the highest honour that can be conferred on an individual by the Council. Under the leadership of the Fellowship Council, the Fellowship now seeks a new intake of individuals that will help plug important skills gaps by acting as experts or advisers for ISC projects, programmes and collaborations, and as ambassadors and advocates for the ISC’s work, connecting the Council with influential actors.

“The ISC Fellowship recognizes individuals who are contributing significantly to the global voice of science and to the vital importance of evidence-informed policymaking. Science needs stellar individuals who bring science to society, at any stage of their career, in any discipline, and from all parts of the world”. 

Terrence Forrester, Chair, Fellowship Foundation Council 

One such recent activity included preparing a joint statement on behalf of the United Nations Scientific and Technological Major Group, co-led by the ISC, for the 2023 High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development. Chair of the Fellows’ Writing Group, Nebojsa Nakicenovic (“Naki”) who spoke on behalf of the Fellows during the HLPF said:

“Recognized for our commitment to bringing science to society, the ISC Fellows have rallied together to chart actionable and impactful paths for revitalizing the 2030 Agenda. We emphasize the urgent need to integrate SDGs and global frameworks, foster inclusivity and capacity-building, and strengthen the science-policy-society interface across all levels”.

Nebojsa Nakicenovic (“Naki”), ISC Fellow

Acting as an ambassador and expert for the ISC, Maria Ivanova, a member of the Fellowship Council and co-Chair of the ISC’s Technical Advisory Group for the Global Commission on Science Missions for Sustainability, recently advocated for the Global Commission’s report, Flipping the Science Model: a Roadmap to Science Missions for Sustainability, at the United Nations as part of an ISC delegation, laying out a challenge for academia and the way science is practiced:

“The call fundamentally changes the way we view science. The culture change comes both from the top and from the bottom. And so if you were to address the presidents of universities and the students of universities, what would you tell them so that we can get to the culture change that we need”?

Maria Ivanova, ISC Fellow

Like Nebojsa “Naki” Nakicenovic and Maria Ivanova, this year’s call continues to seek individuals who have an excellent track record in at least two of the following domains:  

  • Promoting science for the global good internationally 
  • Providing broad scientific leadership (in the international or regional arena) 
  • Promoting the global voice of science 
  • Developing and leading major scientific initiatives and structures 
  • Scientific accomplishment

Nominations are particularly sought from under-represented groups such as:

  • early and mid-career researchers, especially those working in the Global South
  • displaced and at-risk scholars 
  • researchers in engineering and other underrepresented disciplines in ISC
  • scientists working in business and international development sectors
  • non-scientists who have influence in the science-policy sphere e.g., science journalists, entrepreneurs in education and innovation, science media personalities.

The Council encourages Members, Affiliated Bodies and other eligible individuals and organizations to nominate their candidates for the 2023 intake by reading the brochure and completing the online form.


2023 Call for nominations to the ISC Fellowship

Nominate candidates for 2023

Nominations can be submitted by completing the online form by 15 October 2023.

This year’s call continues to seek individuals who have an excellent track record in at least two of the following domains:  

  • Promoting science for the global good internationally 
  • Providing broad scientific leadership (in the international or regional arena) 
  • Promoting the global voice of science 
  • Developing and leading major scientific initiatives and structures 
  • Scientific accomplishment

ISC Fellows are established scientists and/or thought-leaders from research and science-policy spheres who have made significant contributions to furthering the understanding, use and engagement of science, particularly at the global or transnational level. The Fellowship is a key pillar of the ISC’s mission to promote science for the common good, striving for the benefits of science to reach everyone.  Fellowships are awarded both in recognition of past services and in expectation of future services to the ISC. 

Who are we seeking? 

Prospective ISC Fellows will be established social and natural scientists, engineers, communicators and thought-leaders who have made impactful contributions to science for society and/or evidence-informed policymaking at global and/or regional level. They will come from different countries and regions, disciplines, sectors and career stages; having been nominated by ISC Fellows, Members, Affiliated Bodies, Governing Board members, sister networks and key stakeholders.  

Nominations will need to satisfy three broad criteria: (i) relevant expertise, (ii) a track record of contributing to science policy/science for society, and (iii) global or regional or societal influence. They should have the capacity to add value to the ISC’s mission and, in accepting any offer of a Fellowship, confirm their commitment to assist the ISC, when practicable.  

Membership of the Fellowship should be inclusive, with no less than 40% representation of either gender or of the Global North or South. 

What will Fellows do? 

ISC Fellows serve as experts and advisers for the ISC’s governance, scientific initiatives and partnerships, and as ambassadors and advocates for science for the global good. They can help amplify the global voice of science in multiple ways, for example by: 

  • participating in ISC projects, sitting on advisory committees and working groups;  
  • promoting ISC’s profile, activities and reports in the media and policy sphere;  
  • developing key relationships and gaining access to strategically important individuals and organizations in multiple sectors;  
  • supporting ISC regional focal points and national members in their work;  
  • assisting the ISC in gaining access to resources (intellectual and financial);  
  • facilitating the engagement of early career and next generation scientists; 
  • contributing to foresight and futures thinking; 
  • advising on the recruitment of new ISC Members. 

Who can nominate Fellows?  

Nominations may be made by two categories of individual: 

Group A 

Nominations from Group A must be supported by two signatories (the primary nominator plus a supporter). The signatories must come from different ISC Members or Affiliated Bodies or be Fellows who are not members of the same ISC Member or Affiliated Body.  

Group B 

Nominations from Group B need only one nominator and shall be considered if the nomination is supported by three vice-presidents of the ISC Governing Board. 

Nominations will remain valid for three years, so nominations made in 2022 do not need to be resubmitted. 

Who can be nominated? 

Nominations are encouraged for those who are providing exemplary service to science for the global good, with the following categories of individual being especially welcome: 

  • early and mid-career researchers, especially those working in the Global South
  • displaced and at-risk scholars 
  • researchers in engineering and other underrepresented disciplines in ISC
  • scientists working in business and international development sectors
  • non-scientists who have influence in the science-policy sphere e.g., science journalists, entrepreneurs in education and innovation, science media personalities.

Nominators are encouraged to look within and beyond their respective membership, perhaps inspired by other quality-assured sources, such as: 

How do we nominate?

Nominations must be submitted on a nomination form below, with the following elements: 

  • The name and relevant details of the nominator(s) and the nominee. 
  • For nominators in Group A, affirmation by the individual submitting the nomination that the other named nominator supports the nomination.  
  • A succinct overview statement by the nominator summarizing the basis for the nomination and how they can contribute to the ISC mission (up to 100 words) [please write in an impersonal manner, as this text may be used on the ISC website].  
  • A longer justification, in up to 400 words, for the nomination, that provides examples to support the 100-word statement; highlighting the nominee’s achievements and wider contributions to science through leadership, organization, scholarship or communication. 
  • The nominee’s Curriculum Vitae:
  • Up to two pages, focusing on the contributions of the candidate which form the basis of the nomination 
  • Up to one additional page for appropriate supplementary evidence substantiating the nomination (weblinks can be given).
  • Declaration of Understanding signed by the nominee, confirming the nominee’s intention to accept the fellowship if offered and their understanding that the ISC will hold the information submitted for the duration of their candidature and if successful, the fellowship (see also ‘Data protection’ below). 

Image: ISC Fellows at the Global Knowledge Dialogue in Cape Town, South Africa, 2022

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