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Talk Back Better Webinar Series Launching in May

The International Science Council in partnership with Falling Walls is starting a new webinar series on the Public Value of Science.

The International Science Council, as part of its Public Value of Science programme, in partnership with the Falling Walls International Year of Science Engagement initiative is convening a series of webinars exploring the capacities that research institutions need to practice progressive, effective science communication in the current global context. 

The series will provide discursive analysis on science communication practice along with useful practical tips for researchers and research managers.

The series will run every week for 5 weeks starting Thursday 26 May.

Nominate as a Flash Talk speaker

Webinars will also feature Flash Talks to showcase research and programmes of interest and interested experts are invited to apply to participate in a flash talk during the webinar. Nominate here.

Nick Ishmael-Perkins

Talk Back Better host and coordinator of the ISC’s BBC Storyworks Unlocking Science series and podcasts

Webinar One

Understanding Common Misconceptions about Audiences

The webinar will challenge the systemic under-conceptualisation of ‘audiences’ and ‘publics’.

We plan to explore how we move away from received ideas of a generic public, and work towards a notion of science communication which is about mediation, or social cohesion building? Also how do we acknowledge the idea of ‘created’ audiences and adapt ideas from cognitive science or political campaigns for public engagement? 

Featured speakers include:

Date: Thursday 26 May 14:00 – 15:15 CEST | 12:00 – 13:15 UTC

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Webinar Two

Understanding Digital Communities & Social Media

The webinar will explore the specific capabilities required for digital engagement, particularly on countering misinformation.  

We know that editorial decentralization of news and information has created space for the amplification of various perspectives on science. This webinar will explore the reality of most people’s engagement with social media but, crucially will also look at the concerns in some communities about the impact of algorithms and gatekeeping on the internet. This appears to be a blind spot for many research communities. The session will talk about why that is and what can be done about this realistically.

Featured speakers include:

Date: Thursday 2 June 14:00 – 15:15 CEST | 12:00 – 13:15 UTC

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Webinar Three

Lessons from climate change communication

The webinar will discuss the lessons from climate communication practice and research.

The IPCC has over 20 years of experience engaging at the interface of public opinion and policy. There are substantive research initiatives on the communication of climate change and both advocates and scientists have demonstrably changed their approach over the years, taking the science of science communication and empirical lessons on board. What are the takeaways for other sectors and other disciplines?

Featured speakers include:

Date:  Thursday 9 June 14:00 – 15:15 CEST | 12:00 – 13:15 UTC

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Webinar Four 

Science Communication in Multi-Institutional Collaborations

The webinar will explore ways to navigate the tension between collaborative research programmes and individual institutional agendas on public engagement.

Recent evidence confirms that most research communication is done by programmes, not institutions per se. This is often a challenge for researchers, communication specialists and research funders. This webinar will discuss how this organizational reality can provide some useful opportunities for public engagement for researchers and their institutions.

Featured speakers include:

Date: Thursday 16 June 14:00 – 15:15 CEST | 12:00 – 13:15 UTC

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Webinar Five

Understanding Capacity Support for Science Communication

This webinar aims to share what works for building capacity for public engagement amongst researchers.  

Institutions have experimented with different approaches to sustainably developing -and incentivizing- capacity for research communication. This session will look at what works (from media training workshops to contracting PR firms.) What the latest thinking is on recruitment, career incentives and change management. We also look at lessons from initiatives to de-colonize curricula.

Featured speakers include:

Webinars will also feature Flash Talks to showcase research and programmes of interest.

Date: Thursday 23 June 14:00 – 15:15 CEST | 12:00 – 13:15 UTC

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Public value of science

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Photo by Michal Czyz on Unsplash.

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