2nd General Assembly of the International Science Council

11 - 15 October 2021 (online) View the recordings, decisions and other related materials and information below.
Add to Calendar 2021-10-11 00:00:00 UTC 2021-10-15 00:00:00 UTC UTC 2nd General Assembly of the International Science Council 11 - 15 October 2021 (online) View the recordings, decisions and other related materials and information below. https://council.science/events/2nd-isc-ga/


Resolutions, Decisions

Report of the ISC 2nd General Assembly (11–15 October 2021, online)

1. ISC/GA-2/Doc.1.3 – Minutes of 1st ISC General Assembly (2018) were adopted on 12 October by acclamation.

2. ISC/GA-2/Doc.1.4 – Minutes of ISC extraordinary General Assembly (2021) were adopted on 12 October by acclamation.

3. ISC/GA-2/Doc.1.5 – Recommendation on the term of office of vice-presidents was adopted on 12 October by acclamation.

4. ISC/GA-2/Doc.4.1 – 2022 – 2024 Action Plan was adopted on 12 October by acclamation.

5. 2021 – 2024 Governing Board Officers were elected on 14 October. 104 Members cast their votes.

6. 2021 – 2024 Governing Board Ordinary Members were elected on 14 October. 103 Members cast their votes.

7. ISC/GA-2/Doc.9.2 – 2022 – 2024 Budget was adopted on 15 October. 62 Members cast their votes, whereby 81 % voted to adopt the proposed budget.

8. ISC/GA-2/DOC.18.1 – Resolution 1 on actioning the recommendations of the “Draft Report on the ISC Strategy in the Intergovernmental System” was adopted on 18 October. 72 Members cast their votes, whereby 97 % voted to adopt the resolution.

9. ISC/GA-2/DOC.18.2 – Resolution 2, on endorsing the “Eight principles for reform of scientific publishing” and working together to achieve reform was adopted on 18 October. 71 Members cast their votes, whereby 92 % voted to adopt the resolution.


Manuel de Leon

Ministry for Science and Innovation, Spain

Simon Hodson

Committee on Data (CODATA)

Mostafa Moonir Shawrav

 Marie Curie Alumni Association (MCAA)

Resolutions Committee

According to Rule of Procedure 10.10, the Resolutions Committee shall consist of four members appointed by the General Assembly at the suggestion of the Governing Board. It shall collate, edit and present any eligible resolutions proposed for adoption by the General Assembly.

Tonya Blowers

Organization for Women in Science for the Developing Worlds

Anna Mauranen

Finnish Academy of Science and Letters

Catherine Ngila

African Academy of Sciences

Yukari Takamura

Science Council of Japan

Documents, Presentation Slides

Offical documents

Report of the ISC 2nd General Assembly (11–15 October 2021, online)

Supporting documents

Presentation slides

Members’ Forum

Agenda (incl. recordings and slides)

📃 Access PDF agenda

2nd ISC General Assembly
🔍 Click image to enlarge

— Indicated times refer to UTC

11 OCTOBER (open to ISC Members only)

10:00 – 11:00Networking
Chat with other participants in the networking meeting room, connect with other participants for a bilateral discussion, visit the virtual exhibition
11:00 – 14:00Members’ Forum

11:00 – 12:30: I – ISC membership value proposition and strategy
12:30 – 12:45: Break
12:45 – 14:00: II – Pressing issues for scientific unions, associations and similar bodies
12:45 – 14:00: III – Pressing issues for academies of sciences, research councils or analogous not-for-profit scientific bodies
12:45 – 14:00: IV – Gender Equality in Science: from a project to a permanent network of scientific unions
12:45 – 14:00: V – ISC Members’ outlook on their contribution to Advance Sustainable Development Goals
12:45 – 14:00: VI – Scientists without borders – how do we ensure equal opportunities for scientists worldwide?

▶ Download the slides: I – ISC Member Outreach and Engagement Campaign – presented by Alison Meston (ISC)
▶ Download the slides: I – What membership strategy should ISC adopt for the long-term? – presented by Richard Catlow (The Royal Society, UK)
▶ Download the slides: II – Pressing issues for scientific unions, associations and similar bodies – presented by Alik Ismael-Zadeh (IUGG)
▶ Download the slides: II – How to register a Scientific Union to become an Incorporated Association with full legal capacity – presented by Normal Fleck (IUTAM)
▶ Download the slides: IV – Gender Equality in Science: from a project to a permanent network of scientific unions – presented by Marie-Françoise Roy (IMU) Catherine Jami (IUHPST)
▶ Download the slides: V – Towards the alliance for environmental education to achieve SDGs – presented by Takashi Kosaki
▶ Download the slides: V – The Need for an Ethical Background for Advancing SDGs – presented by Tom Sauer
▶ Download the slides: VI – Scientists without borders – presented by Hamid Mobasheri (University of Tehran, Iran)
14:00 – 15:00Networking
Chat with other participants in the networking meeting room, connect with other participants for a bilateral discussion, visit the virtual exhibition

12 OCTOBER (open to ISC Members only)

10:00 – 11:00Networking
Chat with other participants in the networking meeting room, connect with other participants for a bilateral discussion, visit the virtual exhibition
11:00 – 11:301. Opening of the 2nd ISC General Assembly
Adoption of agenda; adoption of previous minutes; recommendation on the term of office of vice-presidents; appointment of Resolutions Committee; appointment of tellers

📄 ISC/GA-2/Doc.1.2 Agenda
📄 ISC/GA-2/Doc.1.3 Draft minutes of 1st ISC General Assembly (2018)
📄 ISC/GA-2/Doc.1.4 Draft minutes of ISC extraordinary General Assembly (2021)
📄 ISC/GA-2/Doc.1.5 Recommendation on the term of office of vice-presidents

View the recording
11:30 – 12:302. Activity and Achievement Report 2018 – 2021
The ISC President and ISC CEO will present a report of ISC activities and achievements during the first three years of operation of the Council. Questions and discussion will be invited.

▶ View the recording
▶ Download the slides
12:30 – 12:40Break
Live music
12:40 – 13:103. Governing Board election (procedure)
Report of the Elections Committee; explanation of election procedure; presentation of candidates standing for election to the incoming ISC Governing Board

▶ View the recording
▶ Download the slides
13:10 – 13:554. Adoption of 2022 – 2024 Action Plan
The ISC’s three-yearly Action Plans serve to operationalize the ISC’s vision, mission and strategic objectives. This session will focus on the Council’s prospective scientific and organizational priorities and related activities for the 2022–2024 period. The Action Plan “Science and Society in Transition” has been prepared in consultation with ISC Members and will presented by the Governing Board for adoption.

▶ View the recording
▶ Download the slides
13:55 – 14:005. Closing of day
14:00 – 15:00Networking
Chat with other participants in the networking meeting room, connect with other participants for a bilateral discussion, visit the virtual exhibition

13 OCTOBER (open to the public)

10:00 – 11:00Networking
Chat with other participants in the networking meeting room, connect with other participants for a bilateral discussion, visit the virtual exhibition
11:00 – 12:00COVID-19 Outcome Scenarios Project
The importance of systems thinking and global cooperation to improve long-term outcomes of global emergencies – a discussion of the findings emerging from the ISC COVID-19 Scenarios Outcome project, together with representatives from the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR)

▶ View the recording
▶ Download the slides
12:00 – 13:00Unlocking science: should we do better on public engagement?
Panel discussion on public perceptions of science with ISC Patrons Mary Robinson, Ismail Serageldin and Vint Cerf

▶ View the recording
13:00 – 13:15Break
Live music
13:15 – 14:00ISC Awards Ceremony
In this very first edition of the ISC Awards we will honour outstanding individuals and groups working to advance science as a global public good in 10 award categories.

▶ View the recording
🗞 Read the press release
14:00 – 15:00Networking
Chat with other participants in the networking meeting room, connect with other participants for a bilateral discussion, visit the virtual exhibition

14 OCTOBER (open to ISC Members only)

10:00 – 11:00Networking
Chat with other participants in the networking meeting room, connect with other participants for a bilateral discussion, visit the virtual exhibition
11:00 – 11:056. Welcome, recap of business day 1 (12 October)

▶ View the recording (item 6., 7.)
11:05Opening of online voting for Governing Board Officers positions
11:05 – 11:207. Governing Board elections: Officers positions
All voting delegates and proxy voting delegates designated via the online registration form by 10 October will be invited to elect one candidate for each of the four Officer positions: (1) President-elect, (2) Vice-President for Finance, (3) Vice-President for Freedom and Responsibility in Science, (4) Vice-President for Outreach and Engagement.

▶ View the recording (item 6., 7.)
11:20Closing of online voting for Governing Board Officers positions
11:20 – 12:008. Report of the Ad Hoc Dues Committee
The ISC Treasurer will present the report of the ad hoc Dues Committee, including the issues considered, the avenues explored, and the conclusions reached. There will be time for Q&A and discussion.

▶ View the recording (item 8., 9.)
▶ Download the slides
12:00 – 12:309. Treasurer’s report 2018 – 2021, adoption of 2022 – 2024 budget
The ISC Treasurer will report on the ISC financial activity for the years 2018 – 2021, and the ISC President-elect will present the proposed budget for the years 2022 – 2024, for discussion and adoption by the General Assembly.

▶ View the recording (item 8., 9.)
▶ Download the slides (Treasurer’s report)
▶ Download the slides (budget)
12:30 – 12:3510. Announcement of elected Governing Board Officers

▶ View the recording (item 10., 11.)
12:35Opening of online voting for Governing Board Ordinary member positions
12:35 – 12:5011. Governing Board elections: Ordinary member positions
All voting delegates and proxy voting delegates designated via the online registration form by 10 October will be invited to elect 10 candidates for the positions of Ordinary Members (30 candidates standing for election).

▶ View the recording (item 10., 11.)
12:50Closing of online voting for Governing Board Ordinary member positions
12:50 – 12:55Break
Live music
12:55 – 13:4512. Phase 2 of the Future of Scientific Publishing project
Starting from the principles outlined in the ISC Report ‘Opening the Record of Science’, this session will examine proposals for action to reform scientific publishing. It will seek engagement from ISC Members to work together to build a coalition for change.

▶ View the recording
13:45 – 13:5013. Announcement of new ISC Governing Board
Officers and Ordinary members

▶ View the recording
🗞 Read the press release
13:50 – 14:0014. Incoming presidential address
By Peter Gluckman, ISC-President-elect

▶ View the recording
🗞 Read the press release
14:00 – 15:00Networking
Chat with other participants in the networking meeting room, connect with ther participants for a bilateral discussion, visit the virtual exhibition

15 OCTOBER (open to ISC Members only)

10:00 – 11:00Networking
Chat with other participants in the networking meeting room, connect with other participants for a bilateral discussion, visit the virtual exhibition
11:00 – 11:0515. Welcome, recap of business day 2 (14 October)

▶ View the recording (item 15., 16.)
▶ Download the slides
11:05 – 11:5516. The Free and Responsible Conduct of Science in the 21st Century
Join us to discuss the ISC draft Discussion Paper “Freedom and responsibility in the 21st century: a contemporary perspective on the free and responsible practice of science”. This session offers Members an opportunity to directly engage with members of the Expert Writing Group that drafted the paper.

▶ View the recording (item 15., 16.)
▶ Download the slides
11:55 – 12:05Break
Live music
12:05 – 12:5517. ISC Strategy in the Intergovernmental System
Presentation and discussion around the preliminary report of the Steering Group appointed to provide recommendations for the ISC to develop its strategy in the intergovernmental system and position itself as a go-to organisation for scientific inputs and advice.

▶ View the recording
12:55 – 13:05Break
Live music
13:05 – 13:2018. Adoption of resolutions

▶ View the recording (item 18., 19.)
📃 ISC/GA-2/Doc.18.1 Draft Resolution: ISC Intergovernmental Strategy
📃 ISC/GA-2/Doc.18.2 Draft Resolution: Scientific Publishing
13:20 – 13:3519. Any other business

▶ View the recording (item 18., 19.)
13:35 – 13:4520. Outgoing presidential address
By Daya Reddy, ISC President

▶ View the recording
🗞 Read the article
13:45 – 13:5021. Closing of the 2nd ISC General Assembly

▶ View the recording
13:50 – 15:00Networking
Chat with other participants in the networking meeting room, connect with other participants for a bilateral discussion, visit the virtual exhibition

Election: Governing Board (2021 – 2024)


The three-year term of the ISC 218 – 2021 Governing Board concluded at the 2nd ISC General Assembly in October 2021, and ISC Members elected a new Governing Board at this Assembly.

According to the ISC Statutes and Rules of Procedure an Elections Committee is responsible for advising on and managing the Governing Board nomination and election processes. On 12 March 2021 the 2021 ISC Elections Committee opened a call for nominations and invited all ISC Members in good standing to nominate candidates for the incoming Governing Board by 15 May 2021.

On 6 and 9 April 2021, ISC Members had the opportunity to participate in two online consultations with ISC President Daya Reddy and ISC President-elect Sir Peter Gluckman to pose questions related to the call for nominations and to the roles and responsibilities of Governing Board members.

Elected 2021 – 2024 ISC Governing Board Officers

Position: President-elect
Nationality: Japanese
Country of residence: Japan
Discipline: Mathematics
Born in: 1960

Position: Vice-President for Finance
Nationality: Japanese
Country of residence: Japan
Discipline: Sociology
Born in: 1958

Position: Vice-President for Freedom and Responsibility in Science
Nationality: Norwegian
Country of residence: Norway
Discipline: Medicine
Born in: 1955

Position: Vice-President for Outreach and Engagement
Nationality: South African
Country of residence: South Africa
Discipline: Medicine
Born in: 1960

Elected 2021 – 2024 ISC Governing Board Ordinary Members

Nationality: Uruguayan
Country of residence: Uruguay
Discipline: Sociology
Born in: 1968

Nationality: Canadian, British
Country of residence: Canada
Discipline: Bioethics, philosophy
Born in: 1961

Nationality: British
Country of residence: United Kingdom
Discipline: Geology
Born in: 1940

Nationality: U.S. American
Country of residence: U.S.A.
Discipline: Geology, ecosystem studies
Born in: 1968

Nationality: Chinese: Taipei
Country of residence: China: Taipei
Discipline: Chemistry, science education
Born in: 1957

Position: Ordinary Member
Nationality: U.S. American
Country of residence: U.S.A.
Discipline: Environmental science
Born in: 1953

Nationality: Brazilian
Country of residence: Brazil
Discipline: Biomedical sciences
Born in: 1947

Nationality: Kenyan
Country of residence: Kenya
Discipline: Civil engineering
Born in: 1965

Nationality: Italian
Country of residence: Italy
Discipline: Geography
Born in: 1966

Nationality: German
Country of residence: Germany
Discipline: Oceanography
Born in: 1963


All ISC full Members (Members in category 1 and category 2) in good standing are eligible to vote regarding all matters pertaining to the General Assembly, including the election of the incoming Governing Board.

The election of the incoming Governing Board took place on 14 October, in two steps.

1. Election of Officers

The election of the four Officer positions (President-elect and three Vice-Presidents) took place from 11:05 am – 11:20 am UTC. Each voting delegate had the possibility to elect:

  • 1 candidate for the position of President-elect (2 candidates standing for election to this position)
  • 1 candidate for the position of Vice-President for Finance (3 candidates standing for election to this position)
  • 1 candidate for the position of Vice-President for Freedom and Responsibility in Science (2 candidates standing for election to this position)
  • 1 candidate for the position of Vice-President for Outreach and Engagement (2 candidates standing for election to this position)

2. Election of Ordinary Members

The election of the ten Ordinary member positions subsequently took place from 12:35 pm – 12:50 pm UTC. Each voting delegate had the possibility to elect:

  • 10 candidates for the positions of Ordinary Members (30 candidates standing for election)

Voting delegates unable to participate in the election during the indicated times and Members who were unable to designate proxy voting delegates were able to cast their votes – in line with ISC Rule of Procedure 2.7 – for both the Officer and Ordinary member positions from 12 October at 11:00 am UTC until 13 October at 23:59 UTC.

Members Forum

Traditionally, ISC Members will have met in conference rooms and in the cafés surrounding the conference centre to exchange ideas and to discuss the agenda of the General Assembly (GA). We did not have this in-person luxury during the 2nd ISC General Assembly, so we created an open online space for ISC Members on 11 October to convene and share ideas prior to the GA.


11 October (day 1 of the 2nd ISC General Assembly)
Times refer to UTC.

11:00 – 12:30 Members Forum: Part One (plenary)

🔹 ISC membership value proposition and strategy
12:30 – 12:45Break
12:45 – 14:00Members Forum: Part Two (parallel sessions)

🔹 1. Pressing issues for scientific unions, associations and similar bodies
🔹 2. Pressing issues for academies of sciences, research councils or analogous not-for-profit scientific bodies
🔹 3. Gender Equality in Science: from a project to a permanent network of scientific unions
🔹 4. ISC Members’ outlook on their contribution to Advance Sustainable Development Goals
🔹 5. Scientists without borders – how do we ensure equal opportunities for scientists worldwide?

Part One (1 plenary session)

🔹 ISC membership value proposition and strategy

  1. To share thoughts on the pros and cons of the different types of membership and membership structure (eg unions, national academies, national science funding organizations, professional societies, individuals)
  2. To share thoughts on what criteria should be used in evaluating potential members, considering potential tension between excellence, and increasing numbers (quality vs quantity)

Part Two (5 parallel session)

🔹 1. Pressing issues for scientific unions, associations and similar bodies

  • Chair: Alik Ismail-Zadeh (IUGG)
  • Issues
  1. How unions and associations can be involved in realizing the Action Plan and the ISC’s work (see pages 22-23 of the Draft Action Plan, ISC/GA-2/Doc.4.1)
  2. Registration of a scientific union: sharing best practice. Proposed by the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (IUTAM)

🔹 2. Pressing issues for academies of sciences, research councils or analogous not-for-profit scientific bodies

  • Chair: Anna Davies, ISC Governing Board member
  • Issues: How academies etc, can be involved in realizing the Action Plan and the ISC’s work (see pages 22-23 of the Draft Action Plan, ISC/GA-2/Doc.4.1)

🔹 3. Gender Equality in Science: from a project to a permanent network of scientific unions

🔹 4. ISC Members’ outlook on their contribution to Advance Sustainable Development Goals

  • Chair: Takashi Kosaki, International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS)
  • Co-Chair: Lefa Thamae (Lesotho)
  • Contact: kosakit88@gmail.com
  • Issues:  The objective of the session is to synthesize the points of view of the ISC members in addressing the key determinants to achieve the SDGs and identify the priorities in realizing the 2030 Agenda. ISC members are invited to introduce their vision on key determinants of SDGs based on scientific evidence and to find ways in which to collaborate.
  • Agenda:

12:45 Takashi Kosaki (IUSS): Opening
12:50 Lefa Thamae (Lesotho): “Capacity building – Gain skill on implementation if SDG in STI”
13:05 Takashi Kosaki (IUSS): “Towards the alliance for environmental education to achieve SDGs”
13:20 Tom Sauer (IUSS): “The need for an ethical background for advancing SDGs (tentative)”
13:35 Rattan Lal (IUSS): “Soil health and the agenda 2030 of the United Nations”
13:50 Discussion

  • Related links:
  1. Soil and Sustainable Development Goals
  2. SDG interactions as a national policy driver

🔹 5. Scientists without borders – how do we ensure equal opportunities for scientists worldwide?

  • Chair: Hamid Mobasheri (University of Tehran, Iran)
  • Contact: h.mobasheri@ut.ac.ir, 2hmobasheri@gmail.com 
  • Issues:  Though different nations are suffering from natural and manmade disasters, the scientific activities by dedicated scientists are limited or even ceased by political, economic, and cultural interventions. We are to propose the necessity of the establishment of a “Scientists without borders” scheme to form proper research and education platforms for all scientists.
  • Agenda
  • Download the slides:


During the 2nd ISC General Assembly (GA) we had the pleasure to hear Christoph Spangenberg, a pianist from Germany, playing live piano music throughout the meeting. His piece “Eye as Sea”, played at the Opening and Closing of the meeting, was composed especially for this General Assembly. The ISC invited Christoph to compose this piece to celebrate the coming together of ISC Members at our General Assembly.

 “Science as a global public good unfolds to its full potential only when we dig deep through a collective vision. When we assemble at the general conference, with trust and without fear, our many eyes will become a sea – an ocean filled with opportunity, ever flowing and nourishing. Our many eyes together will build this global sea, backed by free and responsible science driven by members of the International Science Council, together with one vision, like an Eye as Sea “. 

Christoph Spangenberg

Musical souvenirs

Download the complete audio file or any of the three ringtones of the original composition “Eye As Sea” as a souvenir from the 2nd ISC General Assembly by clicking the links below.

➡ Download the complete mp3 audio file “Eye As Sea” (duration: 5 minutes)

➡ Download Eye As Sea Ringtone 1 for your mobile phone (duration: 28 seconds)

➡ Download Eye As Sea Ringtone 2 for your mobile phone (duration: 20 seconds)

➡ Download Eye As Sea Ringtone 3 for your mobile phone (duration: 13 seconds)

About the compostion

Listen to the original piece “Eye as Sea”, a three-part composition for the 2nd ISC General Assembly, below.

Eye as Sea – part 1 (audio)

About Christoph

Christoph Spangenberg was born in 1986 in Berlin, Germany. He is a young pianist, composer and producer with an exceptional artistic career. Starting with piano lessons at the age of 6 the development of his musical skills became serious very fast. Before and after graduating from high school he has won numerous prizes as solo artist as well as head of several bands. His apprenticeship in classical piano and jazz piano in Berlin and Hamburg earned him multiple scholarships, one of which allowed him to continue his professional training in New York City, USA. Concert tours to Los Angeles, Beijing, Shanghai, Cuba, Rome, Paris and many more have inspired him to pursue a variety of musical genres since he was 12 years old. Reggae and Salsa are as much a natural repertoire to him as is HipHop, Electronic or Balkan Music.

In 2008, Christoph volunteered for the german „Musicians Without Borders” association to help build up a music school in a Guayaquil, Ecuador slum area. He is one of the few German musicians, who do not only feel comfortable playing the grand piano in cozy jazzclubs, but also likes to play analog keyboards on open air stages. Parallel to his efforts dedicated to his Jazz Quartett (German Grammy-Award winner in Jazz in 2011) he was given his first gold record at the age of 23 as studio musician with „Stanfour” (Pop-Rock). He toured internationally with the band from 2009, also as support act of „A-HA“ and „P!NK“. In 2013, he was asked to join „Ohrbooten” (Gyp-Hop) as pianist and bass player simultaneously, followed by hundreds of ecstatic festival and club shows. During his musical journey in India in 2014 he experimented with Live Deep House Music and was instantly invited to perform at the famous Fusion Festival. He is involved in the creative output of other artists as a producer as well, f.e. Konstantin Reinfeld (rising star of Jazz Harp), Elena Fatunz (Jazz for children), „The Airlettes“ (Roaring Twenties Swing). In 2017 he was asked to perform his solo piano program „Christoph Spangenberg plays Nirvana” at the famous Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg. Therefore this project represents the flagship of his musical appearances.

In 2018, after two decades of continuous development and disciplined striving in the music industry, he changed course. He left his homes Berlin and Hamburg, hiked through the beauty of medieval Franken, Germany, crossed the Alps on foot to Italy and lived and trained amongst monks in the Shaolin Temple Europe. It becomes apparent that Spangenbergs journey emphasizes more and more on the inside rather than the outside. Success is evaluated differently than before. The audience is touched by a deep and expressive artistic attitude. Whereas the ego was a big catalyst in his earlier years, a peaceful calmness seems to be the powerful force behind his top performances at the grand piano, now. Humble. Authentic. Timeless.

SHAOLIN PIANO // Christoph Spangenberg


Photo by Mathew Schwartz on Unsplash

Add to Calendar 2021-10-11 00:00:00 UTC 2021-10-15 00:00:00 UTC UTC 2nd General Assembly of the International Science Council 11 - 15 October 2021 (online) View the recordings, decisions and other related materials and information below. https://council.science/events/2nd-isc-ga/
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